Chapter 32: Bang Yong-guk's Doppelganger

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We left the hotel in a black SUV and drove around town to get doughnuts. I could only think of one place to get them: the store where Zoey, Christine and I met B.A.P.

"Wait, you're taking us to that store?" Daniel asked after I suggested we go there.

"I know there are many other doughnut places," I said as I sat in the front passenger seat, staring ahead, "but that's the only place I could think of."

"And besides, the doughnuts there are just delicious," said Zoey. I saw her through the rearview mirror lick her lips.

"I wish we were there when you met B.A.P," said Mike.

"Ya, you guys had your boys night out," said Christine. "Maybe these coming days, you'll get to meet them."

"I still don't get why you all want doughnuts," said Lee who sat with Zoey and Christine behind me.

"Because we want something sweet to lift our spirits," said Zoey, as she dramatically lifted her hands.

"You should have just ordered candy instead."

"You know all this is just an excuse to get out of the hotel," I said as I smiled to myself.

"I thought as much."

"We should hang around for a bit before going back," said Mike.

"You sound just like Zoey," said Christine.

"Well, I'm glad someone gets me on this one," said Zoey as I saw her smile back at Mike.

"Come on, guys," said Lee. "We can't stay out for too long. You've a song to work on."

"We know, Lee," said Daniel. "But it won't hurt just to have a little fun."

"That's why you're only going out to get doughnuts and that's it. Collins will be mad if he knows that you have been out doing nothing but having fun."

"Sadly, that's what we all plan on doing," said Zoey.

"Sam, please, tell your crew that we can't stay out for more than an hour," said Lee as she looked at me.

As much as I didn't want to admit it, Lee was right. We had work to do. And now that most of the BTW members weren't going to show up, we had to work on the song ourselves. I understand the other's will to have a fun free time, but that would have to wait.

"We have to listen to Lee, guys," I said. "We get the doughnuts and leave."

"You're so not fun," said Zoey.

"Tell that to our managers," I turned to give Zoey a smirk.

"Ooh, here we are," said Christine, looking out of the window.

We were here, alright. And the little blue and pink store with a white coloured roof, shone brightly like a house you can only find in candy land. There was a free parking space right in front of the store and the driver took it. The five of us Toxins and Lee soon stepped out of the car.

The six of us all headed for the door. Mike was there first, so he stood there to keep it open while the rest of us went inside.

There weren't many sitting booths inside and the place was almost empty except for a middle aged Korean couple who sat in the booth close to the counter. They didn't seem to notice us as they were engaged in some conversation only meant for the two of them. I noticed them smiling at each other as they had a plate of doughnuts in between them with cups of coffee. They looked so adorable that I also couldn't help but smile.

"Awww!" Zoey said admirably but again, almost too loud that I quickly had to hit her on the arm.

"Ouch," she looked at me angrily.

A K-Pop Utopia (A Black Kitty Series, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now