Chapter 15: The Hero Challenge

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"Are you kidding me?" I asked as I looked around.

Shownu pulled me by the hand and I got onto the platform. The sun had now set and I was looking up at the dark night sky.

"Is there a problem?" Shownu asked as he looked at me.

I folded my arms. "You know, I knew you were likely to bring us here."

Shownu raised the corner of his mouth into a smile. "Then why didn't you say anything?"

"Because, the others were so excited that I didn't want to say no. Besides, this isn't so bad. I just wonder what the others would think when they come up here."

As soon as I had said those words, the door behind us flew open. Zoey and Jooheon came up to us.

"May I ask what we are doing here?" Zoey asked as she looked at Shownu.

"Does this remind of you anything, Zoey?" I asked.

Zoey looked around the rooftop and then on the round helipad platform Shownu and I were on. She scratched her head as she went back to looking around again.

"I have no clue," she said as she scratched her head. "Are we waiting for some helicopter to get us up here or something?"

Shownu laughed, so did Jooheon. I sighed instead.

"What?" Zoey shrugged her shoulders.

"Tell me, has Sam figured it out?" Jooheon asked Shownu.

"She's smart like everyone says she is, she knew about it way before we came here," Shownu answered as he looked at me.

"Nice." Jooheon quickly stepped up onto the platform. He jumped up right in front of me that I had to take a step back. "I like smart girls," he said as he looked at me with a corky smile.

"And I thought I was your bias," Zoey complained as she also got onto the platform.

"You always will," said Jooheon.

"Can someone please tell me what I'm missing here? It already seems I guessed the wrong answer."

The door leading to the rooftop soon opened again and the rest of Monsta X, The Toxins and Lee appeared.

"I just love the cool breeze," said Christine with her arms outstretched when a slight night breeze passed by. Her black curly hair flew in the wind.

"Can you tell me why we are here?" Wonho asked. "You know I don't like such places."

"Oh, you're scared of heights, aren't you?" I asked as I looked at Wonho as he approached with the others.

"Pretty much, yes," he answered as he gave me a nervous smile.

"I can't help but feel that this place reminds me of something," said Mike as he joined us on the platform.

"Ya, me too," said Daniel. "I wonder what it is."

"That's what I've been trying to figure out," said Zoey. "And sadly, these guys aren't saying anything."

"If you're a real Mon Bebe you will know why we are up here," I said as I folded my arms.

Christine snapped her fingers. "Hero, the song! They did their music video from a rooftop of a building."

Zoey slapped her forehead. "Why didn't I think of that?"

"I actually had that figured out," said Lee as she looked around the rooftop. "Don't you think it's dangerous being up here?"

"For me, yes," said Wonho.

A K-Pop Utopia (A Black Kitty Series, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now