Chapter 21: Before The Party Begins

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There was a hustle and bustle when we finally arrived at the hotel and started preparing for the party. Lucky enough, a few hotel staff workers came to help us out to decorate the place. They provided helium gas for the balloons while us, the Toxins and Lee, started to decorate with the filled balloons, confetti, streamers and ribbons in the lounge.

Lee and I were standing on stools and putting up streamers on the top banister of the door entering the lounge, when Mike came in with the red piñata.

"Do you think it's okay if we put up the piñata now?" Mike asked the both of us.

"We can't put it up now," I said. "We will put it later in the middle of the party. If we do so now, who knows which guest of ours will attack it the minute they see it."

"I'm pretty sure I know who might," said Lee, who almost laughed.

"Daniel might as well do it," said Mike. "But right now, among our guests, there are a number of options running through my mind."

"That reminds me," said Lee after pinning the other end of the streamer to the wall and jumping down the stool. "Who's going to hit it?"

"What? The piñata?" I asked.

"Of course, the piñata. What else?"

"I can hit it," came Zoey as she entered the lounge with the filled red balloons, all tied with strings so that she could tie them somewhere and avoid them from flying away.

"No way, not you," said Mike.

"But why not?" Zoey asked. "We never picked the person who is going to hit the piñata, so, I'm volunteering."

"Why can't I hit the piñata?" Daniel asked, coming in with more floating balloons.

"Yes, let Daniel hit the piñata," said Mike. "He's the youngest after all."

"I agree," said Christine who was decorating on the other side of the room close to the TV stand. "Let him do it. He's the one who likes the sweet stuff more anyway."

"Please, Sam, can I hit the piñata?" Daniel pleaded, giving me the puppy dog eyes.

I rolled my eyes. "You can hit the piñata," I said. "But I had someone else in mind, though it seems the youngest will do the honour."

"Wait, who did you have in mind?" Mike asked as I came down the stool.

"G-Dragon," I bluntly answered.

"Huh?" Lee looked at me as she scratched her head. "Why G-Dragon?"

"Because, Lee, the reason why this is a red themed party, is because of him."

"True," said Christine.

"For real? But why are you doing it here instead of BigBang's apartment?"

"Well, the funny thing is, we were invited to come over at their place but then, before we left, WINNER showed up and we had to bring them along," said Daniel.

"Was G-Dragon not going to be excited about them joining you guys?"

"We knew he wasn't, so, we sent a message, but Taeyang read it a little too late," said Zoey.

"And G-Dragon was not happy about it like you said, Lee," I said.

"So, then how did you resolve things?" Lee asked.

"Sam talked to him and somehow managed to convince him that we should have a party all together because the place was too small," said Mike. "Besides, BlackPink were going to show up too."

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