Chapter 70: Ritual

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Rin had approached the other sins who gathered in a circle wearing red robes where their faces were covered. But the sick grins on their face apparent.

"Hello childe," Wrath: the first sin greeted. "Welcome to the Winter Palace." The sin parted its body away to the side and showcased the green and white walls on the palace.

The gold accents glinted dully under the frozen sky and the icy ground. Lust approached from behind the other seven sins and gently cradled her hand. The man grinned softly before leading her forewords toward the gates.

The palace's iron gates stood elegantly as frost covered the bars. With a small push from the upright cats the gates crashed open revealing the snowy courtyard.

It glittered with a fountain sitting in the middle where the depicted sins sat in marble. The garden of white roses complimented the vines that climbed the walls, and finally the cobblestone circle that was engraved with their stories.

"We'll be entering the palace into the Red Room." Sloth said as she pushed Rin  forward across. "There you'll enter alone. But before we will take you to bathe in the pool of Phlegethon."

The crunch of the snow underneath their feet turned into silence as they approached the doors of the castle. The cast iron had been carved in, various figures decorating the frame and the door. Le Penseur, Le Baiser, Ugolin et ses enfants, Les très Ombres and more.

The door opened immediately, welcoming their presence. The grand chandeliers hung from the high ceiling that glittered with gold and crystals alike. Paintings littered the walls telling a narrative of how the mighty have fallen.

Rin is led down a long corridor on the first floor till they reach an open room. The river that flowed through the palace was made of fire and had filled the pool that sat in the middle of the room. Lust picked at Rin's clothing before forcefully tugging at her cardigan.

"Strip." He winked. Rin rolled her eyes before dropping it.

"Then get out." She scowled.

"We have to prepare the circle. Let's go Lust." Pride reminded him, pulling the sin away. "We'll send the maids inside to pull you out."

Rin had pulled herself away from the others and started piling her clothes onto the floor. The girl grimaced at the thought of dipping herself in fire.

Pulling on her ponytail she approached the pool, her feet tapped on the marble, the glowing red pool calling to her.

Stepping once inside, the flames of the river licked at her legs, crawling up her calves and onto her thigh. The feeling was cold, as ice on her body as she placed her left foot inside. Rin started to wade into Phlegetthon, the flames crawling around her as she submerged her body into the river.

The flashes of red invaded her vision. Hot red, surging through her veins, swirling and burning, bright and vibrent, dull and passionate. The rouge absorbing her body, her mind, her breath, her whole entire being. The colour of desire filled her with a hunger that was not just her own.

The flames circled her, and cradled her body. A million thoughts circling in her head. More, more, more, I want MORE! It screamed. The girl cradled herself, letting her body shut down as the singular thought entered her head, repeating itself faster and faster and faster.

Rin opened up her mouth to scream only to hear nothing, the river only flowing down into her throat, filling her stomach with pure flame. Her eyes opened, as she stretched her body, her arms moving as they pushed upwards, scratching the surface.

Bursting upwards out of the flames, her hair flying back, breaking from the band that held it, she opened her eyes. Her bright glowing red eyes that slowly dimmed down to its regular shade of crimson.

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