Chapter 42: Dragon King Festival

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Gajeel turned back to the others. "Yeah its only been 14 years since our dragons upped and vanished. Looking a these bones, I'd say they've been around for a lot longer than that."

Wendy stood beside Rin and let out a tiny gasp. An idea popping into her head. "That might work!" Her eyes wide in shock.

"What was that Wendy?" Lucy asked.

"The milkyway spell. It's one of them new secret arts that Grandeeney had passed down onto me." She motioned with her hands quickly. "Hear the voices of the dragon spirits that lead to the river of heaven." The girl quickly made her way passed the formed cluster onto some bones. "When I was first learning it, I assumed it was some kind of attack but I just had a thought. What if it's something else entirely? It's possible for us to hear the voices of dragons who have passed on."

Run backed away from Wendy quickly. "Sorry but I don't mess with ghosts or demons." She said quickly, hiding behind the group in front of her. "But go on."

"Seriously?" Natsu asked astonished.

"If we can somehow commune with the spirits of these dragons, then one of them might be able to tells us what happened here." Madeleine hummed in content as she jumped up from her spot.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? You won't know what kind of spirit you are summoning."

Gajeel scoffs from his spot, away from the woman. "You're one to talk."

She tilted her head. "I don't understand what you mean."

"That's not the point here Madeleine." Rin spoke, not noticing that Wendy had already started drawing the sigil on the ground for the spell. "Which is, is..." The girl turned back to the group, who were busy watching the blue haired dragon slayer work her magic.

"Oh wandering spirits of dragon's long past, reveal yourself and share your wisdom with me! Milky Way!" The young girl who had knelt down in the circle started to glow a faint blue, along with the magic around her. It released a blue beam that turned emerald as it spilled onto the cave ceiling..

Madeline reaches out her hand wanting to touch the glowing lights, only for it to be smacked away in panic. The stars spilled out of the magic as Wendy tried to grasp onto a spirit.

Wendy's eyes turned blanked as she clapped her hands quickly. The cavern shaking as magic pooled into an area of high concentration. Soon enough a claw grasped out, dragon parts following, with a wing sweeping onto the ground.

The dragon roared a deafening cry as its head tilted towards the heavens in anger. The crowd of teens let out a scream as Madeline giggled.

The dragon quickly laughed and relaxed back it's head. "Intimate depths! Scaring the pants off of humans is hilarious!" Madeline clapped her hands joyfully and reached out, making contact with the spirit for she was dead too. "My name is Zarconis. They called me the Jade dragon back in my day. I'm impressed you were able to conjure my spirit." He titled his head at the group.

"Seems like the handiwork of the Sky Dragon Grandeeney. Which one of you was it?" The dragon leaned down towards Wendy. "How adorable," he mused. "It was this tiny dragon slayer who woke me aye?"

Natsu jumped forward annoyingly, shoving people out of his way. "Back off you creep! Don't even think of touching her!" Rin rolled her eyes as she sat onto the ground.

"Then I'll eat her!" The dragon yelled. "And she's just the appetizer!"

"I won't let you!"

"Jeez," The dragon backed up his giant head. "Lighten up dummy, did you honestly think I can eat any of you?" He rose his nail and poked through Rin's stomach. The cold passing through her wasn't that bad as Lucifer walking right through her. "Hehe it'll be pretty hard to pull of when I can't even touch ya!"

"What did you call me!"

"All of these bones and we get a crazy person!"

"It's not a person it's a dragon."

"I have another word I could call him."

The dragon backed up once more. "My name is Zarconis, I was called the Jade dragon back in-"

"You already told us that!" Grey yelled at the spirit. His patience snapping.

"Can you tell us what happened here?" Carla asked getting the group back on track.

"Why are there are so many dragon bones lying around." Happy piped up, glancing over at Carla with affection.

"Learning their fate was the reason why we decided to summon you in the first place." Panther Lily spoke formally.

"I have no interest talking with you humans." The spirit spoke. Rin groaned and let her back hit the stone floor. She hated when spirits were trying to get something out of a conversation. You're dead, try and move on.

"Okay what about cats!" Happy rose a paw.

"Let's see." Zarconis rose his head in thought. "It must've been over 400 years ago. Dragon kind once ruled over every corner of the globe. We soared through the skies, raced over the land and swam the great oceans."

Rin smiled happily at the now feint memories in watercolor being pleasantly pushed forward. She could almost recall the smell of home.

"Everything in the world belonged to Dragon kind, including humans. Your race was plentiful and an excellent source of protein." The dragon laughed heartily. "But there was one dragon who felt our reign was unjust. What a fool." He grumbled unhappily. "It zealously spread the idea of a world of which where we coexisted with humans! As well any fanatic idea, there was some who fully agreed. And some who opposed it outright." The grim feeling set over the group at the sight of warfare above in the vast blue skies. "It wasn't long before war broke out, I myself fought against the fanatics." Zarconis spoke in a tone of pure fact, the bias no longer in his voice.

"Huh?" Lucy trembled where she stood. "Does that mean you're against humans."

The dragon shifted in its spot. "True I am not fond of your kind, unless you're cooked medium rare of course."

Natsu giggled in his hand. "Did your parents ever tell you not to talk to your food."

(Rin wouldn't admit she let out a snort even though Natsu vouches she did. Not over her dead body.)

"Hey have some respect to the dead!" Zarconis bellowed.

"Anyway," Carla stepped forward. "You were about to tell us about your civil war?"

Zarconis let out a cough. "Both sides were fairly evenly matched. The fighting was so brutal that entire continents were left barren and scarred." The gasps echoed in the caves, bouncing off the walls. "Until finally the dragon supporting coexistence cake up with a plan that doomed us all." His eyes glazed over.

"They granted humans what would come to be known as Dragon Slaying Magic. And with this new power came in hand, mankind joined the war."

Natsu and Gajeel let out a breath as Happy spoke. Ancient dragon slayer militia to fight in a war. Rin looked up at Madeline. "I want research done about this. Any report available if you may." The woman nodded.

"-We were so overwhelmed that victory seemed certain for the Dragons on the other side. But no one could seem to predict the travesty that would soon come to pass...The dragon slayers became so powerful, they eventually turned on the very dragons that had given them their strength. It was a massacre. There was one man who became so powerful he bathed the country side in the blood of my kin. The very mention of his name still scares me. This man slayer countless dragons and soaked in their blood. He used his powers so often that his skin turned to scales, his teeth sharpened into fangs and he stopped being human all together." Rin sat up as Madeline took a step forward.

"That is the fate of all who practice dragon slayer magic." Natsu sucked in a breath, Rin could see his skin beginning to loose color. "All the bones you see here, belong to the victims of that monster. Despite his human origins, he became the king of all dragon kind. And the war he gave rise to became to be known as The dragon king festival."

Rin looked over at Madeline, her hands shaking as if they were leaves in the wind. Her pupils were too dilated, to the point where the whites just shined.

"His name was -"


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