Chapter 37: Raven Tail

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Rin watched from above, her brother groaning in the background. Cana had recently finished her test and broke the machine.

Now it was Laxus' turn to fight. This time against that guy from Raven Tail.

"Rin!" Warren's voice ringed in her head. She groaned at the unnecessary noise. "Master needs you to join Bisca in monitoring Ivan."

"There's no need for Bisca to waste magic on this, I already have a summon watching him. Just in case."

"If you say so!"

"Natsu." She turned to face her brother. "I'm gonna go check on something, be on your best behavior, alright." Her brother groaned from his place on the wall and nodded. Rin got up from her spot on the ledge.

Rin channeled Kakashi's chakra and jumped up to the stands above them. She pulled on her gloves as she jumped once more, the chakra at the bottoms of her feet propelling her upwards towards the rim of the stadium.

She looked around to make sure no one was watching. Down below Laxus and one of Raven Tail's member's stood in the center, waiting for the match to start. "Shisui Uchiha!" She yelled, the wind covering her yell.

"Rin." The black haired girl turned around to face the dead ninja behind her. She huffed and glared.

"You guys seriously have to stop doing that." Shisui grinned mischievously as he stood up to jump away once more.

"Where's the fun in that, it be boring if I couldn't get a good scare in a while." Rin frowned and crossed her arms over her chest, her foot tapping on the stone below her.

"Whatever. What's the report?"

Shisui stood up straight as a stick and stared into the girl's ruby eyes. "Before the match started, the Raven Tail team walked out into the hallway. None of my jutsu really works in a closed setting but I did hear that there will be an illusion set to happen. That and something about the Lumen Histoire." Rin frowned, racking her brain for that name.

"I've never heard of such thing." Shisui shrugged and stretched.

"If you don't know then it's probably something we shouldn't touch on. Rin frowned as she ran her hand through her hair.

"It doesn't matter now," Rin said. "You'll be relieving Bisca right now, your job is to report back to me for any strange mannerisms." The ninja nodded and adjusted him mask, "use a mirror, I'll be up there." Rin pointed to the statue at the corner of stadium, right behind them. "Get going."

Shisui then jumped away. Rin stretched her back before opening a magic circle. "Cupid's wings!" She yelled, the black wings protruded out of her back as the bones shifted to make room. They expanded beyond the cloth of her shirt outwards.

The magpie feathers glistened.

With one test flap of her wings, she lifted herself into the air and upwards towards the statue's scales. The girl supposed it was to represent justice or libra. She didn't really know.

"Warren." The girl's head rang with the psychic message. "I'm set up all on my part and currently perched on the scales. Do you see my wings?"

"We got you Rin. We have Lisanna and the Thunder Legion monteront the rest of Raven Tail."

The girl's eyes moved to where Raven Tail stood. They were stiff and awkward, their forms bent, and eyes not moving. Or blinking as the match took place, Laxus being pummeled to the ground despite his bigger form.

The mirror that Shisui had shinned in her eyes, she peered down at the man to see his hands moving. Chunin signs language she guessed.

"Warren, I don't think those are real people," The girl looked backed down at Shisui's sharingan. The ruby red and black swirled eyes stared back as he shook his head. The man stood up and relaxed, hinting at the stadium. "In fact I've been informed that they're illusions. Call the guards, rules have obviously been violated."

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