Dinner (Quicketh + Finn)

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A/N: shoutout to sophieclaire_ for being my brain :))


Quinn opened the door and furrowed her eyebrow as she looked at Finn. "Hey."

"Hey." Finn repeated. "I hope I'm not late."

"Late?" Quinn echoed.

"For dinner." Finn stated.

Quinn nodded slowly.

"You didn't know I was coming." Finn realized.

"It's fine." Quinn promised as she let Finn in. "Come inside. Noah's in the kitchen."

Finn entered the apartment, and Quinn closed the door behind him. Quinn excused herself to go find Beth so Finn went to the kitchen.

"Beth." Quinn began as she knocked on her daughter's door. "Uncle Finn is here."

"Uncle Finn? Yay!" Beth exclaimed as she got up and went running out of her room.

Quinn followed Beth to the kitchen.

Puck scooped Beth up and looked at her. "Did you invite Uncle Finn over for dinner without asking me and Mommy first?"

Beth nodded. "You said Uncle Finn is always welcome here."

"You still have to ask next time, B." Quinn told Beth. "To make sure Daddy makes enough food."

"Why don't we all sit down?" Puck suggested. "Dinner's ready."


The four sat down at the kitchen table. Quinn set the table and made Beth's plate before making her own.

"Help yourself, Finn." Quinn said. She took Beth's plate and cut up her food before she started with her own plate.

"Thanks, Mommy." Beth said as she took her fork from Quinn.

"Eat up, B." Puck added.

"My fork is dirty." Beth noted as she held up the fork Quinn had used when she cut Beth's food.

"So switch with me." Quinn said. "Here."

"Thank you." Beth smiled happily as she started eating her macaroni and cheese.

Quinn looked at Finn. "Beth's still in her picky stage."

"We're hoping she grows out of it, but if Quinn's any indication, she won't." Puck noted.

"I've gotten better." Quinn pointed out. "I just don't like steak."

"Me neither." Beth muttered.

"You didn't even try it, B." Puck said. "Just try it. You might like it."

"Uh uh." Beth shook her head. "Can I have more macaroni?"

"Not until you try the steak." Puck shook his head. "Just try one piece that Mommy cut up."

"It's good, Beth." Finn added as he put another piece in his mouth. "Mmm."

Unimpressed, Beth looked back at her plate and then she looked at Finn, whose plate was empty.

"More?" Beth asked Finn, offering hers.

"You eat that." Finn said.

Beth picked up her plate and scraped the steak onto Finn's plate. "Now can I have more?"

"After you try the steak." Puck said. "You can't just invite Uncle Finn over whenever I make something you don't want. You have to try it."

"Look." Finn added as he picked up a piece with his fork. He dipped it in steak sauce and held it out to Beth. "Try it."

"Just try it." Quinn told Beth. "If you don't like it, you don't have to eat any more of it."

Beth huffed as she took the fork from Finn. She slowly ate and looked at her parents while she chewed.

Quinn, Puck, and Finn all had their eyes on Beth, wondering what her reaction would be.

"I don't like it." Beth shook her head.

Puck sighed in disappointment.

"Well, at least you tried it." Quinn nodded as she picked up Beth's plate. She looked at Puck. "She'll grow out of it."

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