Christmas 2012 (Quicketh)

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"Hey." Puck said as he walked to Quinn's locker after school. "It's pretty cool that we're gonna be on TV, huh?"

"Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about that actually." Quinn replied.

Puck furrowed his eyebrow.

"I don't wanna do Artie's show." Quinn began.

"I know it's technically not our first TV appearance since we did that mattress commercial, but it's still really cool." Puck replied.

"No, that's not what I'm saying." Quinn shook her head. "I think it's really cool, and it's a really good opportunity to act and sing and stuff."

"But?" Puck wondered.

"But I was thinking about the holidays." Quinn said. "Last year, Beth was only six months old for it, but I want her to have an understanding of the real meaning of Christmas."

Puck nodded slowly.

"I wanna take her to the homeless shelter with Coach Sylvester on Friday." Quinn told Puck. "I wanna teach her from a young age that Christmas isn't about presents, it's about being grateful for what we have, and it's about love and support and-"

"Family." Puck finished.

"Exactly." Quinn said. "I know you taught her a little bit about Hanukkah this year, and I wanna do the same with Christmas. And it would mean a lot to me if you were a part of that, too."

"Quinn, I wanna be there for Beth. You know I do." Puck replied. "But I can't just bail on Artie. He planned a whole song for me and Finn."

Quinn nodded slowly.

"Any other night would be fine." Puck added. "And I wanna be included in the songs and the matching pajamas and whatever other traditions you wanna start with Beth. I just can't back out of the show."

Quinn closed her locker. "I get it."


The second the show was over, the New Directions packed up the set and their props and headed to the homeless shelter.

As a group, they burst through the door.

Coach Sylvester, Quinn, and Sam grinned excitedly.

"You guys came!" Sam noted.

"Thanks to Rory." Artie responded. "And we brought the turkey."

"It's a prop, but it's real." Puck added as he put it on the table.


"Hi, princess." Puck smiled as he scooped Beth up and kissed her cheek. He held her on his hip as he joined Quinn on the other side of the table.

"I'm really glad you came." Quinn said, grinning at Puck and Beth.

"Well, the show ended early because they reached an agreement with the yule log people so we wanted to end the night with a real Christmas celebration." Puck told Quinn. "Right, Monkeyface?"

Beth nodded and wrapped her arms around Puck's neck.

"Thank you." Quinn added as she kissed Puck's cheek.

"Merry Christmas, Q."

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