Us (Quick)

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"If we're not married by 25, let's get married."

"Noah." Quinn laughed as she shook her head.

"If we're not in serious relationships, let's start seeing each other." Puck corrected himself.

"Okay." Quinn said.

"Okay?" Puck repeated.

"Okay." Quinn nodded with a small smile. "Come on, it's almost midnight. We should go back to the party."



"Are you seeing anyone?"

"Are you gonna ask me that every time you call?" Quinn wondered.

"I wanna know who's keeping my girl company while I'm away." Puck answered.

"Well, yeah, I'm sort of seeing someone." Quinn told Puck. "His name is Biff. He's in my humanities class."

"Biff?" Puck repeated.

"It's a family name." Quinn replied.

"From what family?" Puck asked. "The asshole from Back to the Future?"

"You don't even know him." Quinn noted.

"With a name like Biff, I know he's not good enough for you." Puck argued.

"He comes from a long line of Yale graduates and his family has a lot of money and-"

"There it is." Puck interrupted. "I didn't realize you were still so-"

"So what?" Quinn demanded. "In case you haven't realized, we live in a capitalistic society, and money literally makes the world go round."

"That's not who you are, Quinn." Puck stated.

"You don't know anything." Quinn said.

"Does he know about me?" Puck questioned Quinn.



"Hey." Quinn said nervously. "Santana said you're on leave."

"Yeah." Puck responded. "It's been a few weeks now."

"I didn't know." Quinn muttered.

"Yeah, well, we haven't talked in a while." Puck pointed out.

"I just assumed you were busy." Quinn noted.

"Yeah." Puck said.

"Anyway." Quinn exhaled. "I wanna see you while you're home. I'm in New York for the summer so whatever works for you."

"Okay." Puck replied.

"You do wanna see me, don't you?" Quinn asked.

"Yeah, I'll text you. I gotta go."


"It's good to see you." Quinn told Puck as she hugged him. "All in one piece."

"Yeah, you, too." Puck nodded as they parted. "I heard you finished with straight As. Not that I'm surprised, but congrats, Q."

"Thanks." Quinn smiled.

"So... how's the rich Yale guy?" Puck wondered.

"Oh, uh... we broke up." Quinn told Puck, her smile fading. "I told him about you and about Beth, and he thought it would be best to not be involved with that."

"Oh." Puck nodded slowly. "I'm sorry."

"I'm okay." Quinn shrugged. "It was a few months ago."

"Still." Puck said. "Breakups suck."

"When they're with someone you actually love." Quinn finished in agreement. She looked at Puck. "Are you seeing anyone?"

"Kinda." Puck nodded.

"Oh." Quinn said.

"Yeah, nothing serious, but I don't really know when I'm going back yet so I figured I'd have some fun this summer." Puck explained.

"Good for you."


"Quinn! Open the door!"

Quinn dragged herself to her dorm door and opened it. She furrowed her eyebrow. "Santana? What are you doing here?"

"Get dressed." Santana ordered. "We need to go."

"Go where?" Quinn asked.

"Puck's home." Santana answered.

"Already?" Quinn wondered. "That's good, but why do we have to go see him at 8am on a Saturday morning?"

"Puck's hurt." Santana clarified.

"What?" Quinn questioned Santana. "What happened?"

"They were taking him to surgery for his shoulder so if we go now, we can see him when he wakes up." Santana noted. "Come on."


"Noah Puckerman is asking for Quinn."

Quinn looked at the doctor and then at Santana. "That's me. Is he okay?"

"The surgery went well. He's still loopy and he'll need to rest, but he asked for you. He made it pretty clear that he's not going to follow our orders until we let him see you."

Quinn nodded slowly. "Okay, where is he?"

"Follow me."

When they reached Puck's room, Quinn took a deep breath and went inside.

"Noah." Quinn said softly. "I'm here."

"You came." Puck noted with a cheeky grin.

"Of course I came. I..." Quinn trailed off.

Puck looked at her.

"I don't wanna make some stupid pact or deal when it comes to us." Quinn decided, taking Puck's hand. "But I wanna be with you."

Puck smiled like an idiot. He had always loved Quinn, even when they were seeing other people, but he had always hoped they'd come back to each other someday.

"Sorry, the doctor said you're still loopy so you probably won't even remember this." Quinn added, letting go of Puck's hand and looking at him. "I should let you rest."

"No." Puck said, reaching for Quinn's hand. "No, please stay."


"If I wake up and don't see you holding my hand, how am I gonna remember this wasn't a dream?"

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