The Bride's Bouquet (Quicketh)

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"Let's have all the single ladies make their way to the dance floor." The DJ said. "Ladies, if you aren't married, come join us to catch the bride's bouquet."

Quinn stood in front of her girl friends and grinned. "Ready?"


Quinn turned around and threw her arms up and back, launching the bouquet towards her friends.

Sarah boosted Beth up and the young Puckerman caught the bouquet.

Quinn looked at Beth and turned back to Puck, who was shaking his head, but smiling happily.

Puck stood up and brought a chair over for Quinn, sitting her down as the dance floor cleared.

"Now it's time for Noah to get the garter." The DJ announced as the music played.

Puck winked at Quinn as he got down to the floor and slowly picked up her dress, crawling under it headfirst.

Quinn rolled her eyes as Puck made his way to her thigh, grabbing the garter with his teeth and smoothly pulling it until it was off of Quinn's leg and he was out from under her dress.

Quinn laughed as Puck stood up and swung the garter triumphantly while Sarah covered Beth's eyes.

"Okay, guys, if you're not married, please join us on the dance floor."

The boys lined up and Puck slingshotted the garter, grinning and winking when Jake caught it.

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