Car Seat (Quick)

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Puck got in the car and adjusted his rear view mirror. He flinched when the sight of the baby car seat appeared.

Puck turned around and looked at the car seat. It was really there - everything that happened was real and not just a fantasy or a daydream or a nightmare.

Doing his best to ignore the car seat, Puck faced forward again and started the car. He rolled down the window and lit a cigarette as he started driving with no destination in mind.

At first, Puck found himself in front of Quinn's house. He wanted to just go inside and be with her, even though there was no pregnancy anymore and no baby anymore. There was nothing between them anymore - no reason for them to see each other or talk.

Puck wanted to see Quinn and check on her, but he knew she needed space, at least from him, so he tossed his cigarette down in front of her house and drove off.

Puck found himself in front of Finn's house. He knew Finn probably still didn't wanna see him, but before he could think sensibly, he parked the car and got out.

Before he could stop himself, Puck rang the doorbell. There were no cars in the driveway, so Puck hoped it meant no one was home. He took a deep breath and started to walk away.


Puck turned around and looked at Finn at the front door.

"Are you okay?" Finn asked.

"I know I shouldn't be here after everything that happened, everything that I did to you. And her." Puck began. "But I have that damn car seat in my car and..."

"Give me your keys." Finn said, putting his hand out.

Puck furrowed his eyebrow.

"Give me your keys and I'll take care of it." Finn offered.

"Why?" Puck wondered, giving Finn the keys.

"Because you're an idiot, but you're in enough pain." Finn responded. "Go inside and wait for me while I take care of it."

Puck bit his lip and nodded, unable to do or say anything else. He walked to the door and paused as he looked back at Finn.

"Finn. Thanks."

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