Lost (Fuinn/Beth/Puck)

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"I lost Beth."

"You what?" Quinn asked.

"I lost Beth." Finn repeated.

"What do you mean you lost Beth?!" Quinn exclaimed, hurrying to the door.

"We were going to get the pizza and it was super crowded inside and she went running off and-"

"No." Quinn interrupted. "You should've kept a better eye on her."

"I'm sorry." Finn apologized.

"I can't believe you lost my daughter." Quinn hissed as she ran out of the apartment, slamming the door shut behind her. "I'm on my way. You can call Puck and tell him."

"What?" Finn asked. "He's gonna kill me."


Quinn hurried to the pizza place and found Finn outside.

"Quinn, I'm sorry." Finn apologized.

"Did you call Puck?" Quinn asked.

"No." Finn said.

"Call him." Quinn commanded as she walked away, searching for Beth.

"Puck's gonna freak out." Finn noted as he followed Quinn.

"Of course he's gonna freak out." Quinn stated. "I can't believe I thought you could handle something as simple as taking Beth to pick up pizza on your own. Sarah does a better job at keeping track of her than you."

"Just calm down." Finn said. "We're gonna find her, I promise."

"Did you call the police?" Quinn wondered.

Finn slowly shook his head.

"I called them, and they're out looking for her." Quinn told Finn. "Do you realize that we're public figures? Someone could've kidnapped her to get to me or Noah or our money."

"Nobody kidnapped her." Finn shook his head.

"Call Puck." Quinn ordered as she walked away.

Quinn was walking around the city frantically searching for Beth. Beth hadn't been to New York in months and didn't know her way around. Still, Quinn found herself at the park. It was only a few blocks from the pizza place and from home, and she and Puck had taken Beth there the last time they were all together.

Quinn answered her ringing phone immediately, hoping someone found Beth. "Hello?"

"What the hell is going on?" Puck asked.

"Good, Finn called you." Quinn noted.

"Good?" Puck repeated. "None of this is good."

"I'm gonna find her." Quinn promised.

"Yeah, you are." Puck said. "And the second you do, I'm taking her back to L.A."

"Noah, this isn't my fault." Quinn replied. "She was with Finn. He said she ran off."

"She's a kid, he's an adult. He's responsible for her." Puck noted. "Let me know when you have her. I'll be there to pick her up in an hour."

"Noah, are you serious?" Quinn asked, but she was met with the dial tone. She pocketed her phone and continued walking through the park.

Quinn started heading home, ignoring Finn's calls as she walked. When she got there, she went inside and found Beth.


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