Stay Away (Puck/Quinn/Biff)

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"What's your angle?"

Puck put his phone down and furrowed his eyebrow at the blonde in front of him.

"Puckerman." Quinn hissed. "What's your angle?"

"What are you talking about?" Puck asked.

"Biff was raving about some musician he saw here." Quinn stated.

"Biff?" Puck repeated.

"My fiancé." Quinn said, holding up her hand to show off her ring. "Did you talk to him?"

"I don't even know who he is, Q." Puck replied. "Why don't you sit down and we can talk?"

"No, I'm not staying." Quinn told Puck. "And neither are you. I thought you were in L.A."

"I was, but when Santana left to come here with Brittany, I left for a little while, too." Puck explained.

"You can't be here." Quinn shook her head. "Biff doesn't know everything about my past and I'm planning on keeping it that way."

"Yeah, totally. It's a really good idea to lie about who you are to the guy you're gonna marry." Puck said.

"You wouldn't get it." Quinn told Puck. "I need this."

"Why?" Puck questioned Quinn.

"Biff's family has money. My life will be set." Quinn answered. "I'll never have to worry about that."

"When's the wedding?" Puck muttered.

"Don't." Quinn said.

"New York's pretty big." Puck noted as he got up. "Just stay away from me and I'll stay away from you. Oh, and maybe stop by and see Beth once in a while. She always asks for you."

Quinn bit her lip.

"I hope it's worth it. Later, Q."

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