Runaway Bride (Quick)

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"I'm coming!" Puck called in response to the knocking on his door.

The knocking continued obnoxiously and frantically.

"I said I'm coming!" Puck yelled as he opened the door. He furrowed his eyebrow at the sight of the blonde in the wedding dress. "Quinn?"

"Hey." Quinn replied as she entered Puck's apartment.

"Come in." Puck muttered.

Quinn walked through Puck's apartment and went into his room.

"What are you doing?" Puck wondered as he closed the apartment door and followed Quinn.

"I have to get out of this dress." Quinn muttered as she pulled out a sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants from Puck's closet. She picked up her hair and looked at Puck. "Can you get the zipper?"

Puck carefully unzipped Quinn's dress. "Quinn, what the hell is going on? What are you doing?"

Quinn didn't answer. She let her dress fall to the floor and changed into Puck's clothes, which were too big on her, but she didn't care.

"Quinn!" Puck exclaimed as he grabbed Quinn's wrists.

"I can't be married." Quinn said, shaking her head.

"You ditched the ceremony?" Puck asked.

Quinn shook her head.

"You got married?" Puck questioned Quinn.

Quinn nodded slowly.

"Quinn." Puck said softly.

"Biff knows about you and me." Quinn told Puck. "Since we signed a pre-nup, he said we're going through with it and getting a divorce when he's ready to."

"Why did you agree to that?" Puck wondered.

"I panicked." Quinn shrugged. "All of my friends were there. Well, most of them."

"Are we friends, Quinn?" Puck asked. "'Cause you uninvited me to your wedding and then you ghosted me, and yet, here we are."

Quinn bit her lip.

"You know he's gonna know you came here." Puck said. "This will be the first place he looks."

"Then let's get out of here." Quinn requested. "We could go take a trip upstate like you wanted to."

"Quinn." Puck sighed.

"Let's hurry up before he comes looking for me." Quinn said. "Please, Noah?"

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