Puck's Girlfriend (ND)

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A/N: literally why did I write this?😂


"Hello?" Quinn answered her phone.

"Hey." Santana replied. "Are you coming to Lima for the glee reunion thing?"

"Yeah, my train's in, like, twenty minutes. Why?" Quinn wondered.

"What's Puck's girlfriend's name?" Santana asked. "I asked Sam and Finn, but no one can remember."

Quinn's phone beeped with another call waiting. "Hold on. That's Tina."

"Add her in." Santana suggested. "I'm sure she's calling about this, too."

"Hey, Tina." Quinn said. "Santana's on the line, too."

"Hey, guys." Tina replied. "I'm adding Mercedes and Rachel. None of us can remember Puck's girlfriend's name and the boys are useless."

"They usually are." Santana muttered.

"Okay, I think we're all here." Tina noted. "Rachel? Mercedes?"

"Puck's girlfriend's name is Ashley." Quinn told everyone. "So spread the word."

"No, he stopped seeing Ashley after his birthday." Mercedes stated.

"Okay, then it's Chelsea." Quinn noted.

"He stopped seeing Chelsea after the last party." Brittany replied. "Remember they were fighting?"

"Okay, so if it's not Chelsea or Ashley, it has to be Yasmin." Quinn stated.

"I thought Yasmin was a booty call." Rachel noted.

"Maybe it's Daisy then?" Quinn guessed. "I can't keep track of all the women he's with. There's clearly a new one every time."

"I think it is Daisy." Santana said. "Thanks, Quinn."

"Thanks, Quinn."

"Thank you!"


Quinn gathered her things and got on the train. She put her bag in the overhead compartment and put her headphones in, waiting for the train to start moving.

After over an hour on the train, Quinn's music stopped playing suddenly and she looked at her phone screen. Furrowing her eyebrow, she accepted the call.

"Hey, Santana. I'm on the train." Quinn stated.

"Yeah, I was just calling to say we're all here." Santana said.

"Well, I'll be there soon." Quinn replied.

"Well, forget all the names you had in your head." Santana advised Quinn. "Puck's newest flavor of the night is Rebecca."

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