Negative (Fuinn/Puck)

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"Take the test, Q." Puck said, knocking on the bathroom door.

"I'd rather not know." Quinn muttered.

"I thought you wanted this stuff with Finn." Puck noted.

Quinn opened the bathroom door and looked at Puck.

"Did you do it yet? What does it say?" Puck questioned Quinn.

"When Finn and I talked about it, I told him something that's not entirely true." Quinn began.

Puck furrowed his eyebrow.

"I told him that I always thought after Beth, I didn't want any kids, but it was that I didn't want them with you." Quinn admitted. "But that's not true."

Puck didn't say anything.

"You're a good father." Quinn said. "And a good person. You don't get jealous. You're supportive. A girl could do a lot worse."

"Quinn." Puck said softly.

"Do you ever think about that?" Quinn asked.

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't." Puck told Quinn. "I mean, it would make Beth so happy, and it would be nice to have our family in one piece again, but if we got back together and it didn't work out, it'd make things even harder."

Quinn bit her lip.

"Plus, you're happy with Finn." Puck added. "And once Beth and I go back to L.A., and you go back to New York and talk to him, you guys will be okay, too."

"Yeah, I guess so." Quinn said.

"I know so." Puck replied. "Now will you please pee on those tests?"

"You promise no one knows we're here?" Quinn asked.

"My mom's working and Sarah's with her friends." Puck told Quinn. "Okay? I'll be right out here."

"Okay." Quinn nodded, taking a deep breath as she disappeared into the bathroom again.

Quinn took her time reading the instructions even though she was already familiar with the process. She peed on the sticks and set a timer on her phone.

"Noah." Quinn said softly as she opened the bathroom door when the timer went off. "I need you. I can't look."

Puck nodded slowly as Quinn let him into the bathroom. He took a deep breath as he looked at the tests. "Quinn."


"They're negative."

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