Memorial Day BBQ (Finn/Quinn/Puck)

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"What time is Puck coming?" Carole asked Finn.

"I didn't invite him." Finn answered.

"Why not?" Carole wondered.

Finn gave his mom a look.

"Didn't you just hang out with him a week or two ago?" Carole questioned Finn.

"That was different. That was for glee club." Finn stated. "Besides, Rachel's coming. And Puck's probably busy with..."

"Quinn." Carole finished.

Finn nodded slowly.

"I know you're upset with everything that's happened." Carole began. "But-"

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't relieved that I didn't actually get anyone pregnant, but still." Finn interrupted. "She cheated on me and they lied to me."

"What they did was wrong." Carole nodded. "But they're still your friends and I'm sure it would mean a lot to them to have your support."

Finn bit his lip.

"I'm not saying you have to forgive them. And if you don't want them coming, don't invite them." Carole went on. "I'm just telling you to think about it."

Finn continued thinking about it as his mother walked away. Puck was his best friend and like a brother to him. He knew better than anyone how absent Puck's parents were. And Quinn was on her own now, too.

"Finn, Rachel's here!"


"Need a hand?" Puck offered when he opened Quinn's car door.

"I'm not going in there." Quinn shook her head.

"Why not?" Puck asked.

"Why not?" Quinn repeated. "How am I supposed to look Finn's mom in the eye after what I did? She did so much for me."

"You should've thought about that before you got in the car." Puck shrugged.

"Noah, I'm serious." Quinn noted.

"Look, I'm sure they're just as upset with me as they are with you." Puck said. "We'll just say we don't wanna intrude or overstep, but we didn't wanna break tradition."

Quinn looked at Puck.

"Finn wouldn't have invited us if he didn't want us coming." Puck pointed out, offering his hand. "I got you."

Quinn sighed as she took Puck's hand and got out of the car.

The pair held hands as they walked into the backyard.

"Just relax." Puck said softly as Finn walked over with Rachel.

"Hey, guys." Finn said. "Thanks for coming."

"Thanks for inviting us." Puck replied.

"Well, we can't break traditions, right?" Finn asked.

"Right." Puck echoed.

Before anyone could say anything else, Carole entered the backyard, smiling when she saw Puck and Quinn. She walked over and hugged them.

"It's good to see you two." Carole stated. "How are you feeling, Quinn?"

"I'm good." Quinn nodded. "Thanks for having us."

"Yeah, we won't stay long." Puck added.

"Come sit." Carole commanded.

Puck pulled out a chair for Quinn, and she carefully sat down.

"Let me go get you a drink." Puck said.

"I'll come with you." Rachel decided, leaving Quinn and Finn alone.

"If you don't want us staying-"

"I invited you here." Finn interrupted.

"Why?" Quinn wondered. "After what we did, why would you invite us here?"

"Because you're miserable." Finn stated as he took a deep breath. "I don't know if I'm ready to forgive you and Puck, but I still wanna support you guys."

Quinn looked at Finn.

"I loved you, Quinn." Finn told her.

"I know." Quinn said softly. "And I'm sorry."

Finn nodded.

"I loved you, too." Quinn added. "And I shouldn't have cheated on you or lied to you, but I don't think Puck was a mistake."

"He really cares about you." Finn noted.

"Yeah." Quinn muttered. "Maybe it's the baby, but I care about him, too."

"It's not the baby." Finn shook his head. "You cared about him before."

"Maybe." Quinn repeated as she looked at Finn. "I'm really glad you're happy with Rachel."

"Yeah." Finn smiled.

"Do you think you'll ever forgive me?" Quinn wondered. "Or Puck?"

"I hope so." Finn said. "'Cause I miss you guys."

"I miss you, too." Quinn exhaled, smiling as she wiped her eyes. "Hormones."

"Come here." Finn smiled as he hugged Quinn.

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