Double Date (Quick/Brittana)

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this was requested by someone (can't find your @) but I hope you like it :)


"Hey." Quinn said when Santana answered the phone. "Now that Noah's home, a bunch of us are going out to dinner to celebrate."

"I'll be there." Santana promised. "Who else is coming?"

"I think Jake and Marley, Kurt and Blaine, and Rachel and Jesse." Quinn lied. "I'll text you where we're going and we'll meet you there."

"Sounds good." Santana responded. "See you later. Thanks."

"See you later." Quinn repeated as she hung up the phone. She looked at Puck. "Santana's coming."

"Britt's coming, too." Puck nodded.

"Perfect." Quinn smiled as she kissed Puck's cheek.

"I'm gonna go shower." Puck decided. "Wanna join me?"



When Quinn and Puck were ready, they took a cab to pick up Brittany, and then they headed to the restaurant.

"I'm gonna go get a table." Puck decided as he gently kissed Quinn. "Britt?"

"I'll come with you." Brittany nodded.

Quinn gave Puck a look and watched as he walked away with the blonde. She waited at the front for Santana, who arrived shortly after.

"Hey." Santana smiled as she greeted Quinn. "Where's Puck? I wanna congratulate him on not dying."

Quinn rolled her eyes, but smiled as Puck returned.

"Welcome home, Puckerman." Santana grinned as she hugged him. "Glad you didn't die."

"Thanks." Puck laughed. "Me, too."

"Is everyone else at the table already?" Santana asked when they parted.

"Yeah, I'll show you two where we are. Come on." Puck said.

Puck led Quinn and Santana through the restaurant to their table.

"Hey, Britt." Santana smiled, greeting the blonde with a hug while glaring at Quinn and Puck.

"Shall we?" Puck asked as he slid into the booth, sitting across from Brittany.

Santana looked at Quinn. "I thought Jake was coming."

"He couldn't make it." Quinn replied, sitting down beside Puck.

Santana raised her eyebrow, knowing better. She wasn't mad, but she would've appreciated a heads up since she and Brittany weren't together.

"Who wants a drink?" Puck wondered, looking at the drink menu. "I'm buying."

"Okay." Santana sighed in defeat as she sat down next to Brittany.


The evening was going really well. Despite Santana and Brittany not being together, they still got along well and enjoyed being together. They had always enjoyed it because their relationship had been built on such a strong, solid friendship.

At the end of the night, Puck paid the bill, and the group of four left the restaurant.

"Look at them." Quinn whispered. "We should ditch them."

"Yeah, let them get back together without us." Puck whispered back as he turned to Santana and Brittany. "Hey, thanks for coming to dinner. We're gonna head home now, but you two should keep this going. For me."

Santana made a face. "Great, now when we have sex, I'll be thinking about you."

Puck raised his eyebrow.

"If." Santana corrected herself as she looked at Brittany. "We should talk."

"We're gonna go." Puck repeated as he and Quinn said their goodbyes before leaving Santana and Brittany alone.

"So." Brittany began after a few minutes of walking with Santana in silence. "You wanna have sex with me?"

Santana looked at Brittany. "I'm still in love with you, Britt. And that's why I haven't reached out since we broke up. I think I'll always be in love with you."

"I love you, too, Santana. I'll always love you, too." Brittany told Santana as she stopped walking. "So let's just get back together."

"It's not that simple." Santana muttered, shaking her head.

"We broke up because of long distance and then we both just had some college experiences and were busy with work and stuff, but things are different now." Brittany pointed out.

"How?" Santana questioned Brittany, hesitant because she didn't want to lose Brittany forever if things didn't work out again.

"Well, we're both in New York. We haven't had to worry about long distance in years." Brittany pointed out. "And neither of us are in college."

"And work?" Santana wondered.

"Well, Mike, Jake, and I have that dance studio and you know I'm pretty flexible." Brittany reminded Santana with a smirk.

Santana laughed lightly. "Okay."

Brittany looked at her.

"We can try dating again." Santana clarified. "But don't let Quinn and Puck take credit for this because we'll never hear the end of it."

"Deal." Brittany promised, putting out her pinky.

Santana smiled, and the duo continued walking with their pinkies interlaced until they reached Santana's apartment.

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