Pyramid (Santana/Unholy Trinity)

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A/N - this was requested but I can't remember your @ (sorry!) I hope you like it though!! ❤️


Santana smiled as she was hoisted to the top of the pyramid during Cheerios practice. She was wobbling because of the girls who were holding her up, but she ignored it because her coach was a hardass.

Santana looked over at Quinn and Brittany who were slightly lower than her. They were standing tall and weren't shaking.

Taking a deep breath, Santana stood taller, too. The girls who were supposed to be supporting her ended up losing their grip.

Everything went black as Santana fell to the ground.

"Oh my god!" Brittany screamed as the girls lowered her to the ground.

"This is why I should've stayed at the top of the pyramid." Quinn muttered as she and Brittany hurried over to check on Santana. "Coach, call an ambulance!"


Santana woke up in the hospital and looked at the blondes at her bedside.

"Welcome back."

Santana turned and looked at the doctor.

"You're lucky you didn't break any bones." The doctor noted. "But you have a nasty concussion."

"You're gonna be okay, Santana." One of the blondes in a cheerleading outfit said as she grabbed Santana's hand.

Santana furrowed her eyebrow. "What happened?"

"You fell at Cheerios practice." The other blonde cheerleader answered. "The girls dropped you."

"So if we're cheerleaders, this is our coach?" Santana asked, looking at the woman in the red tracksuit.

"What's going on?" The blonde holding Santana's hand asked, looking at the doctor.

"The head CT indicated some possible memory loss, but it should all come back." The doctor noted.

"Should?" The second blonde cheerleader asked. "When?"

"Well, we'll monitor her overnight and take her for another head CT in the morning, and then we should have a better idea." The doctor said.

Santana looked at the blonde holding her hand.

"Do you know who we are?" The blonde asked.

Santana shook her head, wincing at the pain of her concussion. "What if I can never remember?"

"It's okay. I'm Brittany. I'm gonna help you." Brittany promised.

Santana smiled slightly and squeezed Brittany's hand. "Thank you."

"I love you, Santana." Brittany smiled.

Santana looked at Brittany. Even though she didn't remember, she could feel something for the blonde. She knew she was in love with her because she could feel it.

"I love you, too, Britt."

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