Wedding (Fuinn/Puckleberry/Quick)

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"Hey." Finn said as Quinn entered their house.

"Hey." Quinn smiled, putting her things down before greeting Finn with a kiss.

"How was shopping?" Finn asked when they parted.

"It was good." Quinn answered as she joined Finn on the couch. "What'd you do today?"

"I went out." Finn replied. "With Puck."

"I didn't know he was in L.A." Quinn muttered.

"Yeah, he texted me a few weeks ago that he'd be here this week so we got lunch and we were talking." Finn continued.

"I should go put my things away." Quinn decided as she got up.

"Quinn." Finn said softly. "I'm trying to talk to you."

"About Puck." Quinn nodded. "The ex you practically forbid me from seeing or ever speaking to."

"That's not true." Finn shook his head. "Besides, didn't you tell me the same goes for Rachel then?"

"You almost married her." Quinn reminded Finn.

"You had a baby with him." Finn retorted.

"That's not fair." Quinn told Finn. "You can't use Beth against me like that."

"Can you sit back down so we can talk?" Finn requested. "Please."

Quinn sighed as she sat down on the couch again.

"Puck said he and Rachel really want us to come to the wedding." Finn continued.

"I don't think it's a good idea." Quinn stated. "What are we gonna gain by going?"

"We're gonna get to show them and everyone that we're all good, and we're gonna support two of our friends on one of the biggest days of their lives." Finn explained.

"You think you're gonna be able to sit there and watch Rachel get married?" Quinn asked. "And not only get married, but get married to Noah?"

"I'm over Rachel." Finn insisted. "We haven't been together in a while, and I'm over her. If you can't or don't wanna see Puck, I'll go to the wedding by myself."

"No." Quinn said. "I'll go with you."


"Tell Noah we'll be there."


"I'm gonna go freshen up. I'll meet you inside." Quinn decided.

"Okay." Finn smiled as he kissed Quinn's cheek.

Quinn smiled and walked away. She waited for Finn to go inside before wandering off to find Puck.


Quinn turned around and looked at Puck. She eyed his brown shoes and gray suit.

"Can I borrow you for a minute?" Puck asked when Quinn's eyes met his.

Quinn nodded slowly, and she and Puck hurried away to talk in private.

"What are you doing here?" Puck asked when they were alone.

"Finn told you we were coming." Quinn said.

"I didn't think you'd actually come." Puck noted. "Considering we haven't talked in, what, two months?"

"That's because two months ago, I found out you were getting married." Quinn replied. "A day after we were together."

Puck looked at Quinn.

"You look really handsome." Quinn said. "Is the gray suit for me?"

"N-No." Puck lied.

"You're really gonna go through with this?" Quinn asked.

"Don't I deserve to be happy?" Puck responded.

"Of course you do, Noah, but is marrying Rachel Berry really gonna make you happy?" Quinn questioned him.

Puck looked at Quinn.

"You can't look me in the eye right now and tell me you're not still in love with me." Quinn told Puck, stepping closer to him. She gently cupped his cheeks. "Don't marry her."

"Quinn." Puck sighed as he pulled Quinn's hands off of his face and held them.

"Don't marry her." Quinn repeated. "Please."

"I love you, Q. You know I love you." Puck said.

Quinn looked at him.

Puck gently pulled Quinn into his arms and kissed her.

Quinn smiled as she deepened the kiss.

"Oh my god, what the hell are you two doing?"

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