Firehouse Dinner (Quick)

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"Hey, Quinn." Puck said as he entered the apartment Quinn shared with Santana and Brittany. "Is Santana home?"

"Not yet." Quinn replied. "And Brittany's working."

"Oh." Puck muttered.

"Santana shouldn't be long." Quinn added. "If you wanna wait for her."

"Yeah, sure." Puck said as he closed the apartment door. "Thanks."

"You can come sit down." Quinn told Puck.

"Right." Puck nodded. "Thanks."

Puck sat down on the couch and looked at Quinn, who was at the other end.

"What?" Quinn asked.

"Nothing." Puck said.

Quinn raised her eyebrow.

"That cute little eyebrow raise won't work on me anymore." Puck warned Quinn.

"Maybe you can wait for Santana somewhere else then." Quinn teased.

"Okay." Puck smiled. "I was gonna ask you something, but I changed my mind."

"Just ask me." Quinn said.

"Alright." Puck nodded. "I was gonna ask you to come to my work dinner with me tomorrow night."

"As your date?" Quinn asked.

"We don't have to put a label on it, but it's kinda fancy and-"

"No, thanks." Quinn cut Puck off.

"I figured." Puck said, getting up as Santana entered the apartment.

"Uh oh. Quinn and Puck alone can only mean one of two things." Santana noted. "Sex or fighting."

"We're not having sex, but we are getting along." Quinn told Santana.

"Good." Santana said as she looked at Puck. "We should go. Are you sure you don't wanna come, Quinn?"

"I'm sure. Have fun." Quinn smiled.


The next day, Quinn found Santana in a tight red dress while doing her hair and makeup.

"I thought Brittany was working again." Quinn stated.

"She is." Santana nodded as she did her eyeliner.

"Where are you going?" Quinn wondered.

"Puck has this firehouse dinner tonight." Santana stated. "They rented out this fancy hall."

"Yeah, he asked me to come yesterday." Quinn replied. "He's taking you?"

"Yeah." Santana nodded as she looked at Quinn. "Unless you wanna go."

"I'll go." Quinn nodded back.

"Go get ready then." Santana commanded. "I'll text Puck and then I'll help with your hair."

"Tell him you'll meet him there." Quinn requested. "I wanna surprise him."


When Quinn was ready, she headed to the hall. Santana had told Puck that she was running late and would meet him there.

Quinn took a deep breath and fixed her hair as she entered the hall. She scanned the room for Puck, smiling when she spotted him.

She walked over to Puck, who was talking with some other guys, who Quinn assumed were his work friends.

Quinn gently put her hand on Puck's arm. "Hey, sorry I'm late."

"Quinn?" Puck smiled as he kissed Quinn's cheek. "You look gorgeous. Thanks for coming."

"Thanks for inviting me." Quinn smiled.

"Guys, this is Quinn. Quinn, these are the guys." Puck introduced them.

"Nice to meet you." Quinn nodded politely as she looked at Puck.

"Let's go grab drinks." Puck said. "Excuse us."

Puck and Quinn walked away together, heading to the bar.

"Thanks for coming." Puck said. "What happened to Santana?"

"I decided I wanted to come after all." Quinn shrugged. "I hope that's okay."

"Yeah, of course." Puck nodded. "I'm really glad you're here."

"Me, too. You look very handsome." Quinn told Puck.

"You look beautiful." Puck said with a smile.

"Thank you." Quinn responded as she took Puck's hand. "I've been thinking about us a lot lately."

"Yeah?" Puck asked.

"When you asked me to come here yesterday, I didn't think it was a good idea." Quinn said. "But when I heard Santana was coming, I... I don't know, I guess I got jealous."

"Jealous?" Puck repeated.

"I wanna be with you, Puck." Quinn stated.

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