New York (Brittana)

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"I can't wait to get out here." Santana complained to Mercedes. "Back to New York."

"Yeah." Mercedes nodded. "Back to L.A. for me. Did Puck tell you he's not coming?"

"Yeah, I think he mentioned something about hanging out with Quinn for a while before he goes off to boot camp." Santana stated. "Which I still can't believe."

"Me neither." Mercedes agreed.


Santana turned and saw Brittany standing there. She turned back to Mercedes.

Mercedes nodded and excused herself before walking away.

"Brittany." Santana said softly. "We said our goodbyes inside, remember? We spent the whole week mourning Finn together. Don't make things even harder right now."

Brittany shook her head. "That's not it."

"Then what is it?" Santana wondered.

"I'm coming back to New York with you." Brittany stated.

"What?" Santana asked.

"I've been thinking about Finn dying and how he'll never get a chance to be with Rachel or anyone else again." Brittany began. "You just said we spent the whole week together and I don't wanna waste another second apart."

Santana looked at Brittany.

"I wanna be with you, Santana. And we broke up because of distance last time, so I'm coming to New York." Brittany said. "If you'll have me."

Santana smiled. "Of course I want you there, but are you sure this is what you want?"

Brittany nodded. "There are two things I love most in this world: dancing and you. And Lord Tubbington when he's sober."

Santana laughed lightly.

"I love you, Santana. And I don't wanna waste any more time not being with you." Brittany told Santana.

"I love you, too, Britt." Santana replied as she kissed Brittany.

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