Talk Show Interview (Puck)

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"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Grammy-winner Noah Puckerman!"

Puck smiled as he walked out from backstage, waving at the audience as he greeted the hosts and sat down.

"Welcome, Noah!"

"Thank you." Puck replied. "It's good to be here."

"It's good to have you here."

"Yeah, even though you abandoned us and moved on to the west coast."

Puck smiled. "I'm really happy in L.A., but it's fun to come back and visit. New York will always have a special place in my heart."

"You got your first record deal in New York, right?"

"I did, yeah." Puck nodded. "It took some time and a lot of luck, but I got to record my first album here."

"Your first album was sort of dark and mysterious. What can you tell us about this one?"

"Yeah, that one was written after my discharge from the military, and things were really, really tough." Puck explained. "This album is a little more relaxed and free. My wife said it's a little like being high when you're not, and I think she's right, as usual."

"It sounds like it'll be completely different. Are you excited about that?"

"I am, and at the same time, it's nerve-wracking. I'm pretty proud of it, but I hope it's well-received." Puck answered as he looked at the audience. "But my kids seem to like it."

"Speaking of your kids, how excited was your daughter when you won your Grammy?"

Puck looked at the screen, smiling as a picture of Beth holding Puck's Grammy Award with a proud grin on her face popped up. "Beth was stoked. Look at her."

"She's adorable. How old is she now?"

"She's nine." Puck answered. "She'll be ten in June."

"Wow, she's getting so big now."

"She looks just like you. And I love that you share so much of her with your fans. Do you think other celebrities and musicians should do the same?"

"It depends." Puck said. "You know, some fans can be a little intense and we've always said that we won't put our kids in the spotlight until or unless they choose it for themselves. We were so young when we had her so she's kinda always been included, but she loves it."

"And how does she like being a big sister?"

"She loves it." Puck smiled. "She's loves helping out with her brother. He'll be two in October, and they're both really, really good kids."

"Can you share your son's name?"

"We're not ready to share his name yet, but I'll just say is that he's named after two really important people to me and Quinn." Puck said.

"And you and Quinn recently posted that she's pregnant again. Congratulations."

"Thank you, yeah." Puck nodded. "The kids are really excited to have a new brother or sister in the summer."

"Lots of fun things happening this year."

"Never a dull moment in the Puckerman house." Puck said with a smile.

"When are you gonna get your wife on a song with you?"

"It's funny you said that 'cause I've been telling her for such a long time I wanna record a song with her." Puck told the hosts. "And you know, she's been busy with her own career and now the pregnancy, but someday soon hopefully. I think sooner than later at this point since Beth is on this album."

"Beth's on this album?"

"She did one of my intros." Puck nodded proudly. "She loves to be involved and she keeps telling everyone she's gonna be a rockstar."

"You'll have to make room for her Grammy Awards."

"Totally." Puck said. "She loves to sing and dance, but, you know, we'll see what she chooses."

"Does she have a favorite song on the album?"

"She has a few favorites." Puck answered. "She loves the one she's on, and she really likes a few of the others that she heard me working on for months before I even got in the studio."

"What about you? Do you have a favorite?"

"I was taught that music is another form of storytelling, especially to say things we can't find the words for." Puck explained. "But being that I wrote these songs, I think I found a way to get a message across."

"And what message is that?"

"You'll have to listen to the album and see." Puck smirked. "No, I mean everyone's different. One of the most beautiful things about music is one song can mean nothing to you and everything to me."

"Like wedding songs."

"Exactly." Puck nodded. "There's no wedding songs on this one, but I have a few of my own."

"So it sounds like you have enough songs for a third album already."

"Yeah, album number three will be a love song / wedding ballad album."

"I don't wanna get ahead of myself." Puck laughed. "But I'll keep putting music out if people will keep listening. Although my wedding song might not make it public. Unless Beth leaks it."

"Okay, Beth, you know what you need to do now."

Puck smiled and shook his head.

"Noah, thanks for coming back to New York and being here."

"And congratulations on the upcoming baby and the album."

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