Christmas (Quicketh)

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"Kurt's heading to Lima tonight so I'm gonna go with him and leave you three." Finn noted. "But I'll talk to you tomorrow. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas." Quinn smiled as she looked at Puck. "Thanks for the present."

Finn smiled back. "You're welcome. I'll see you guys in a few days."

Quinn, Puck, and Beth spent the rest of the day hanging out and enjoying each other's company.

At the end of the night, Quinn looked at Puck, who had Beth on his lap.

"What?" Puck asked, smiling at Quinn.

"I still can't believe you're really here." Quinn stated.

Puck nodded. "I know you hate surprises, but-"

"I liked this one." Quinn told Puck. "I've missed you, Noah."

"I've missed you, too." Puck replied. "Both of you."

Quinn looked at Beth, who was nodding off. "We should tuck her in so Santa will come."

Puck nodded in agreement as he carefully got up. "I'll put her in her room and then I'll come help you."

Quinn watched Puck walk away. She went into her room and grabbed the two big garbage bags of presents before returning to the living room.

"Can we talk?" Puck wondered, watching Quinn, who was neatly stacking the presents underneath the tree.

"Can you grab the third bag from Finn's room? I think it's in his closet." Quinn said.

Puck nodded and walked away.

Quinn continued organizing Beth's presents underneath the tree.

"Don't you think you went a little overboard, Q?" Puck asked when he returned. He joined Quinn on the floor and helped her set up the presents.

"No, I don't think so." Quinn shook her head. "Beth and I love Christmas."

Puck nodded slowly as he stood up. "I'm gonna go put out milk and cookies. We can talk later."

"We shouldn't." Quinn shook her head. "We're just gonna fight again."

"You need to be in some kind of relationship." Puck blurted. "Or at least go on dates."

"I go on dates." Quinn replied.

"That's not what Finn says." Puck responded.

Quinn looked at Puck. "You and Finn talk about me?"

"We just want you to be happy." Puck told Quinn. "And you need to have a life. Apart from Beth."

"Since when do you push me to date?" Quinn asked. "You always get insanely jealous of my boyfriends."

"I do not." Puck shook his head.

Quinn raised her eyebrow.

"Alright, fine. Maybe I did once or twice." Puck noted. "But not anymore. Besides, you did the same when I dated Berry."

"I'm glad you brought that up because it's kinda strange how she doesn't really talk to any of the glee kids." Quinn stated. "Except you, who she apparently talks to a lot."

Puck didn't say anything.

"I told you I didn't wanna talk because we would fight." Quinn reminded Puck.

"Rachel and I hooked up a few times in the summer when I was home." Puck admitted. "And we stopped when I went away, but we've stayed friends. She told me she was seeing Jesse before she told Kurt."

"Wow." Quinn replied. "So you and Rachel."

"You and Finn." Puck retorted.

"Finn and I haven't done anything." Quinn shook her head.

"Still." Puck shrugged.

"We're friends." Quinn stated. "He's family."

Puck looked at Quinn.

"I told you we were gonna fight." Quinn stated.

"We're not fighting. We're talking." Puck stated.

"Why don't you go put out the milk and cookies while I finish this?" Quinn requested.

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