Roommates (Quicketh)

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"Hey." Quinn said as she joined Puck on the couch, leaving space in between.

"Hey." Puck repeated. "I thought you were going out."

"I decided not to." Quinn shrugged. "I was thinking we could have a quiet night in together. With Beth."

"Since when do we do that?" Puck wondered.

Quinn shrugged. "We don't, but I thought maybe we could talk."

"We don't do that either." Puck noted. "I mean, we're friendly and we communicate, but most of that revolves around Beth."

"I know. I just thought..." Quinn trailed off and shrugged again.

"Just because we don't really do that doesn't mean we can't start." Puck added as he looked at Quinn. "You said you wanted to talk, right? What did you wanna talk about?"

"Our whole... situation." Quinn replied.

Puck furrowed his eyebrow.

"Can I ask you something?" Quinn wondered.

"You can ask me anything." Puck told her.

"Do you still love me?" Quinn blurted.

Puck looked at her. "After what we went through, I think I'll always love you."

"Are you still in love with me?" Quinn asked.

"Why are you asking me that?" Puck questioned Quinn.

"Because I was talking to Santana and..." Quinn trailed off.

Puck rolled his eyes.

"And she told me you were." Quinn finished.

"She just said that? For no reason?" Puck asked.

Quinn shook her head. "I told her how I feel about you. And how I was afraid so I've been avoiding you."

Puck didn't say anything.

"I never wanted to make you think you did anything wrong and I'm sorry if I did." Quinn apologized. "I was trying to process everything."

Puck nodded slowly.

"I've never been good with my feelings because I've always dated guys who were good for my social status or my reputation, but..." Quinn took a deep breath. "But with you, it's different."

"Quinn..." Puck said softly.

"I didn't tell you because I'm afraid." Quinn stated. "Because I've never felt this way before. I don't feel pressure to be anything other than myself with you."

"I care about you a lot, Quinn." Puck told Quinn. "But I don't wanna do anything to ruin things. We're good roommates and co-parents."

"I love you, Noah." Quinn said. "And I wanna be with you."

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