Custody Battle (Quick/Shelby)

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"Noah, I've been thinking." Quinn said. "And I didn't wanna bring this up until I talked to the lawyers, but-"

"Whenever you talk to our lawyers, I should be involved." Puck interrupted.

"I know." Quinn nodded. "But it's about getting Beth back."

"Quinn." Puck sighed.

"This isn't some crazy plot to make Shelby look like an unfit mother." Quinn clarified. "I really think we could do this."

"You wanna take Beth away from the life she's known for eight years?" Puck asked.

"Well, the only thing that would really change is that she would live with us." Quinn pointed out. "She could go to the same school, and see the same friends and-"

"Q, this sounds crazy." Puck stated. "And cruel."

"The lawyers said we have a good case, especially considering how much Shelby overstepped throughout high school." Quinn stated.

Puck bit his lip.

"It's worth a try, isn't it?" Quinn asked.


"I still don't know if I'm okay with this." Puck said as he and Quinn walked into court hand in hand.

"You've regretted giving her up from the second we signed those papers." Quinn reminded Puck. "Just follow my lead."

Puck exhaled as he spotted Shelby across the lobby. He met her eyes and quickly looked back at Quinn. "Doesn't this feel petty? Shelby's a good mom. Besides, she doesn't have the money to go through a custody battle, much less win one."

"Exactly." Quinn smiled slightly as the lawyers returned to them.

"We're ready to go inside."


"Miss Fabray, can you tell me what document we're looking at?"

"This is the paperwork we filled out the day Beth was born." Quinn answered.

"Yes, and isn't that your signature?"

"Yes, but-"

"Doesn't that signify that you and Mr. Puckerman both signed your parental rights away?"

"Yes, but-"

"Were you aware that that document meant you would not be Beth's parent at any time during her life?"

"Yes, but-"

"And it was up to Miss Corcoran to decide at what capacity, if any, you were allowed to be in Beth's life."

Quinn didn't say anything. Shelby's lawyer smirked and sat down. Quinn and Puck's lawyer got up and walked in front of Quinn.

"Miss Fabray, can you tell us when you signed the papers at the hospital?"

"Shortly after Beth was born." Quinn answered.

"Can you give us a time range? A few hours later? The next morning?"

"A few minutes after." Quinn replied.

"Why is that?"

"I felt that as a teenager and a minor with no job that I had no other options." Quinn explained. "I wasn't given any guidance or resources to decide otherwise."

"And were you and Mr. Puckerman in a relationship throughout the pregnancy?"

"We began a relationship about halfway through the pregnancy and dated until about a week or two after Beth was born." Quinn explained.

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