Part X Chapter 2

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??? Pov, flashback

Rose: My name is Rose, I'm currently studying Biotechnology... I'm sorry...

???: I knew it wouldn't be you.

I looked at the demon.

???: 'That is... a demon... I think...'

I looked at the humans

???: 'Those two... are humans. An outlander'

I looked at-

???: 'Lea!? Wait, Lua too? She is dangerous.'

(Y/n) Pov

The woman points at me, but I moved to the right. She was actually pointing at Maria.

???: You have been marked as a threat.

Morrah: Don't you dare say that to-

Maria: Morrah, there is something different about her.

(Y/n): What do you mean?

???: Threat must be eliminated.

Suddenly, there is a massive shockwave under her and she launched herself towards Maria and strike her. Not before Morrah and I blocked the attack.

Morrah: Try if you dare!

I pushed her off of us and kicked her away from us.

She points her sword at ???.

Morrah: I will crush you like the other junks!!

She ran towards ??? and try to land a hit on her. But the future is telling me something is going to happen.

(Y/n): 'She's relying a lot on evasive and defense. Wait, she created a barrier and if that barrier breaks, then that means...'

??? jumped back and stood still.

Morrah: What's wrong? All that big talk was for nothing?

She stabbed the ground, making lava bursting out of the ground, but ??? ran towards her and dodging all of the lava eruptions. With enough distance, they clashed their blades.

(Y/n): 'It looks like Morrah is gaining the upper hand'

Morrah: This isn't even my full power! Witness the power of the Draconic Commander!

She swings her sword. ??? tried to stop her attack by creating a barrier, but it was too strong to handle. She got knocked back, but held her ground. She rushed towards Morrah with as much efforts as possible.

Clause: She doesn't exactly look like she's in a good state.

Maria: Fufu, it's been a while since I saw Morrah enjoying it that much. She tried entertaining you but ended up entertaining herself.

???: Removing barrier. Focusing on offence.

She rushed past Morrah, but she blocked her attack. As she turned around, a shockwave from below struck her with tons of force.

Morrah: Ugh!

(Y/n): 'I knew it, as soon as she lost her defense, she quickly switched to offense.'

Morrah quickly recovered and pushed back all the shockwaves. She then ran towards ???

Maria: Don't you think you had enough rest? Go on, no need to back down.

Clause stood up and walk towards them.

(Y/n): Clause...?

Maria: Hmhmhm, what an interesting pair.

3rd Pov

King's Raid X Male Reader (Xenoblade Chronicles)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon