Part III Chapter 5

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(Y/n) Pov

We continued our way until we see a red orc in front of a monster in cloak with lots of skulls. Kaulah was shocked, then gotten angry. 

Kaulah: Sieg!!!

Roi: Is the one next to him Malduk?

(Y/n): Looks like it.

Kaulah: Sieg!! We were all deceived by him! He blamed humans for all that he done to the Orcs! He's the one who captured Orcs and turned them into undead!

Sieg: What?!

Malduk: Honorable High Chieftain, A warrior like you wouldn't have killed your most honored predecessor, Garuk, out of a small misunderstanding. Everything you did was for your race. For the sake of your tribe. These imbeciles are insulting your decision, your honor. They must pay with their lives.

Sieg: ...Yes. I am the leader of the Orcs. I will not forgive the humans that enslaved my kind! That includes you, Kaulah! Pay for your betrayal!!!

Cleo: What a blockhead...

Frey: He just can't admit the truth. The truth that he killed Garuk out of a misunderstanding...

Sieg: Pay for your sins with death!!!

He slammed his axe to the ground and roared with rage and power.

(Y/n): Damn it. Never thought he would get this upset.

Erze: Be careful.

(Y/n): I will. Guys, you got my back?

Kasel: Yep!

Roi: Right behind you!

I switched the Monado to Speed and rushed at Sieg. He stomped towards us and swung his axe. Kasel blocked it, but he got pushed back. Roi ran to him and dodged every attack he throws, and I jumped up and try to hit his face. Suddenly, Sieg hit Roi, and kicked him to a rock. He turned his attention on me and slammed his axe downwards on me. I blocked it, but struggle to match his strength. He then lifted his axe up and swung it side ways. I quickly blocked, but he broke my arm and pushed me aside like a ragdoll. 

Erze: (Y/n)!!!

Roi: That's a High Chieftain. What strength...

Cleo: Kasel, Can't you use the power of the holy sword?

Kasel: I'm sorry... I... I'm not capable of controlling it yet. The power just comes out on its own...

Cleo: Jeez, don't apologize for everything! We'll finish this somehow!

Erze: (Y/n)! C'mon get up!

I tried to get up but struggle to stand up. I fell over on my knees and use the Monado as support. Frey ran over to me and try to heal my arm, but it is taking to long. Kasel and Roi are trying to hold him off. I stood up and raised the Monado.

Frey: (Y/n)! You're not completely healed!

(Y/n): As long as I could stand, I can still fight...!

I ran to Sieg, and my Vision triggered. I see Sieg attack Kasel and Roi so hard that they nearly died. I regained my vision and switched the Monado to Shield. Once Sieg attack, The hexagons on them bounced the axe off and I ran and quickly switched it to Eater. I pulled out my shotguns and shoot his knees. Kasel then ran to Sieg and hit his head hard enough that he couldn't see for a moment. That give Cleo some time to cast a fire magic, and throw it at him. I switched the Monado to Enchant, making the fire more powerful to burn him. Sieg fell over and screamed in pain. He got up to his knees and crawl over to Malduk.

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