Part IV Chapter 7

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(Y/n) Pov

After training with Seria, I have learned lots of fighting arts. After understanding and making different techniques, I have beaten Seria 24 - 24. We began our final match. She swung her katana, but I blocked it with my shotgun. Before she can hit my side, I turned sideways and threw the Rudra over my back and blocked her attack, and quickly point my shotgun at her and shoot. She jumps away, adding a backflip before the bullet would hit her, giving the chance for me to rush in and swing the Rudra. She barely dodged it, leaving a cut on her arm. She puts her katana into the scabbard and wait for me to get into her range. My Vision warned me she is doing that stance and attack to break my stamina. I still ran towards her.

Seria: Don't be reckless.

(Y/n): Don't be sure!

She pulls her sword out of her scabbard and swings her katana. I take out another shotgun and blocked her attack. I pulled back and pushed her with my strength and swing the Monado, she jumps back to dodge it and I swung again, but she either dodge or block it. I ran closer to her and give her a right hook to the face, following up with a jump side kick. She lost her balance and fell to the ground. I walked over to give her a hand, but my Vision gave me a warning. As soon as she grabs my hand, she is going to slam me to the ground and point her katana at the back of my neck. I gave her a hand. She grabbed it, only to pull her towards me and elbow her in the stomach, making her cough up saliva. She fell back to the ground and I pointed the Monado at the side of her neck.

(Y/n): How did I do?

Seria: Judging by your skills and ability, you have improve quite well (Y/n).

(Y/n): Thanks. 

She took my hand gets up.

Seria: At this rate, you might even unlock the Monado's true potential.

(Y/n): True potential...  'Just like what Maria said...'

She was about to leave until I called her.

(Y/n): Hold on, Seria?

Seria: Hm?

(Y/n): Your face looks familiar.

Seria: Really? Who do I look like.

(Y/n): I don't know her name, but you look just like her.

Seria: Can you tell me what 'she' looks like?

I can hear a little venom in her voice. I need to be careful.

(Y/n): She has red hair, red eyes, and has a little orb flying around her when she-

She cuts me off with her sword pointing at my neck.

Seria: How do you know Erze?!

I kept calm and made an excuse. I have to make this excuse as convincing as possible.

(Y/n): I was at Elidora Forest, trying find my friends during my supply run. I made it to their camp and I saw the camp was empty and no one was even there. I looked around and to see my friend's dead corpse were all dried like raisins. Then out of nowhere, she attacked me. I was almost killed, but luckily, my Visions saved me and got out of there before she would killed me.

After she heard my "story", she puts down her sword. Looks like I dodged a bullet...

(Y/n): Seria... What's your relationship with her?

Seria: She and I... are sisters.

(Y/n): Could you tell me more? 

Seria:  *Sighs*  This is my first time telling someone my story. I'll tell you, but only if you don't tell anyone, understand?

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