(The Road Of Light) Part VII Chapter 1

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3rd Pov

After Cleo and Miruru argument, they try to look for a path to enter Windland. But so far, they have no luck. They were about to find something, but Cleo looked over and see a path.

Cleo: Huh, there is a path here. Did anyone know that this path existed? 

Frey: Yes, I remember that in the past, there was a path from Aegina that lead towards Windland, but after the Dark Lord disappeared, it was sealed off.

Kasel: I wonder if the reappearance of the Demons has anything to do with the seal being undone.

Roi: That might be the case.

Kasel: It may be dangerous, but this is probably our only way through.

(Y/n): Hey, Kasel. We've been through a ton of rough things on our trip.

Frey: He's right, Kasel. We have been through a lot of dangerous situations already.

Cleo: Yeah, everywhere that's not home is dangerous, anyway.

Kasel: Haha, well, that's true. Still we're finally near Windland, and the Barbarian Kingdom. I hope our journey ends soon so we could go home and sleep under a nice roof.

Cleo: Great! C'mon, let's get to that Kingdom already.


They made it to Windland Snowy Mountain. There are lot of mountain, some trees and lots of snow. They see a tiger has ice colored fur, and the tips of the fur are frosted.

Kasel: That's... A tiger. A pretty big one, too.

Frey: Kasel, you were thinking you could eat your full for once if we caught that, right?

(Y/n): You think you're gonna eat the entire thing when we cook it?

Kasel: Haha, you guys know me too well.

Roi: Well, it seems the tiger is pretty hungry too. One wrong move and we could be the ones to become food.

Cleo: Hah, don't worry! One special archmage barbecue coming right up.

They charged at the tigers and, and suddenly, (Y/n) stopped dead in his tracks, then jerks his head at Kasel. 

(Y/n): Kasel, look out!

Kasel: Huh?

He ran to Kasel and blocked its jaws, and stab it with REX and threw it aside.

Kasel: A Vision? Thanks man.

(Y/n): No, it's not a vision.

Kasel: What?

(Y/n): I could see it before it would even happen, and time was still going.

Kasel: You can predict the future without your visions? That's good, right?

(Y/n): Yeah, but I think I might need some practice to be precise.

Kasel: Look, let's not worry about that. We got tigers to deal with.

(Y/n): Right.

He walked over the dead tiger and pulled the Monado out of it and help Roi. After dealing with the tigers, (Y/n) feel something is going to hit Cleo. He quickly switched the Monado to speed, ran towards her.

(Y/n): Cleo look out!

Cleo: What?

With perfect time, he tackle her to the floor before 'something' would hit her. He gets up and pulled Cleo back to her feet. 

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