Part IX Chapter 3

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3rd Pov

Kasel walks towards the World Tree as Clause chased him. Kasel killed more soldiers as he and Frey made it to the World Tree.

Clause: Kasel!!! Stop, Kasel!!!

Kasel turns around to face his brother. 

Clause: What happened to (Y/n)?! What did you do to him?!

Kasel didn't respond as he charged at his brother and swing his sword and slammed it against Clause shield while blocking his attack.

Clause: Kasel, open your eyes!

Kasel created a ball of energy and blasted it at him. Clause blocked it, but the darkness burnt him, forcing him to fall against the ground, making him cough up saliva.

Clause gets up, only to fall on his knees. Kasel rushed at him, he lifted up his shield to block his attack. Kasel pushed more strength on Clause's shield, while Clause is trying to snap Kasel out of his mind.

Clause: It's your brother! Clause!

Kasel: ....

Clause:  Please!

Kasel pulled back and hammer fist Clause's face and threw another punch. Clause quickly recovered and blocked all of Kasel's attacks. The more attacks Kasel throws, the weaker Clause is getting. Clause pushed him off his shield with all of his strength and held his wounds.

Clause: *Huff* *Huff*

Kasel raised his sword and swing with intense power, making red lightning, and knocking him against a tree. He gets out the tree and took another hit from Kasel, he kept it up for at least six times until he ran out stamina and fell in defeat. Kasel looked at him before he walks to the World Tree, but Clause reach his hand out to him.

Clause: What is... going on... Kasel...

Kasel looks at him, and raised his sword, but stopped and walked away with Frey following him.

3 Minutes Ago

Scarlet and the others looked at their destroyed kingdom.

Scarlet: This is only the beginning. I don't know how he knew, but El Moriham must have predicted what would happen to Orvel.

Demia: Does that mean he's working with the demons? We can't rule out that possibility. The Empire... and the demons... what's going on?

Scarlet: Now that the capital is decimated, he'll make his move. In order to take over Orvelia...


Maria walks to Clause and sees him sitting on a hill in front of the destroyed World Tree.

Maria walks to Clause and sees him sitting on a hill in front of the destroyed World Tree

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