Part VIII Chapter 7

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(Y/n) Pov

As we keep moving forward, the feeling of the demonic power increases.

Maria: Wait... This incredible demonic power... It doesn't belong to Kyle. It feels different from that, it's so cold. It just like an abyssal wall, but what is this enormous size?

Cleo: Wh-What is this? It's making my entire body shudder.

Erze: Is it related to the red lighting from earlier?

Demia: Let's hope not. That lightning was powerful enough to blow away an entire tower. 

Cleo: If we run into such power, we might go insane. But we have the Holy Sword and The Monado! Yeah! If things go wrong, Kasel or (Y/n) can destroy the tower!

Roi Looked at us.

(Y/n): How many times to I have to keep telling you, you have to not rely on me for everything.

Kasel: Alright, should I try?

(Y/n): Don't push it

Kasel: Heh heh

I looked over and I realized Cassandra and Erze have been acting different after we gotten halfway through Gargoss.

(Y/n): Hey, are you girls alright?

Cassandra: Huh, Oh yeah we're okay.

Erze: Yep.

(Y/n): 'I don't want to get too suspicious, for now, I'll let it play and see what will happen.'    Okay, If you're hurt, then we'll take you back to the Inn if you want.

Erze: No, we're fine.

(Y/n): Alright then.

We moved on and they seem a bit distant. I really don't like where it is going, so I walk over to Chase.

(Y/n): Hey Chase.

Chase: Huh?

(Y/n): Don't make it look suspicious, but can you keep an eye on those girls over there?

He looks at Cassandra and Erze, then nods.

Chase: I'll do my best.

(Y/n): Thanks.

He nods and we moved forward.


We kept moving and so far Chase is doing pretty good at keeping a low profile. 

Maria: Once we get past this place, we'll arrive at the entrance to the ruins.

Demia: Looks like the Imperial Army is here as expected.

I looked over and Scarlet is thinking about something. I was about to ask until she cut me off.

Scarlet: Kasel.

Kasel: Yes, your Highness?

Scarlet: Once we go inside the ruins, like it or not, we will run into the Imperial Army. Before we go inside, I want to try fighting you if it's not too much trouble. If you're not ready because of this request, we can pull it off to a later date.

He thinks about it for a moment.

Kasel: I think it will be fine.

Scarlet: Clause. 

Clause: Yes, your Highness.

Scarlet: Clause, I entrust you to be the witness.

Clause: Yes, Your Highness. Kasel, the Princess is strong. Very strong, actually.

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