Part VIII Chapter 8

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3rd Pov

After everyone's farewells, they moved forward to the entrance to the castle. When they moved forward, they heard a war going on.

Frey: What is happening?

Roi: This is literal chaos. Did a war break out here or something?

Kasel: It might have something to do with that powerful demonic energy we felt earlier. Let's assess the situation first.

Maria: We should move separately for now. Morrah and I will focus on the remain of the ruins.

Roi: For what?

Morrah: It's definitely here. The object Maria is looking for.

Kasel: You mean the thing that's needed for completed the Dimension Rift?

Maria: Yes. We've already looked around all of the other places within the kingdom. We thoroughly searched all of the ruins within the kingdom, except Eastern Empire and the Empire that were set out of Dark Lord Angmund's reach. And now, this is the final place.

Morrah: We'll meet up again at the old Dark Lord's Castle over there.

Kasel: Are you sure the two of you will be okay? 

Morrah: Hmph, you kids better watch out. you guys attract too much attention.

Cleo looks at all of the demon features on Morrah.

Morrah: What?

Maria: Let's move.

They walked ahead, then they stopped

Morrah: Don't die on me now.

They continued walking.

Cleo: Morrah... also changed.

Frey: The Holy Dragon is probably making up a lot of her personality... Although she talks a bit scary...

Cleo: Well, now that the real magnets for trouble are gone, we'll be safe.

Kasel: We should split up into two groups as well.

Roi: Yes, that should be safer. Although we can't compare to those two, we can't deny that we also attract quite a lot of attention as well.

Kasel: Frey, (Y/n), and I will go together to check out this area. There might be some people who may need our help.

Roi: Then, we'll go check out the outskirts. I can't get that energy from before out of my mind, and there's also one more thing that's bothering me.

Cleo: Hm?

Roi: Never mind.

(Y/n): Actually, I'll go alone.

Kasel: Huh? Are you sure?

(Y/n): Yes, I've dealt with situation bigger than me.

Kasel: Well, just don't die.

(Y/n): That's not going to happen, because death is not on my dictionary.

Kasel: Heh heh, alright. It's decided.

Roi: We will go on ahead. Let's meet up later.

Kasel: Yes, be careful Roi, Cleo, especially you (Y/n)

(Y/n): Don't worry about me.

Kasel: Shall we go, Frey?

(Y/n): I'll go and find the source of this shit.

Roi: Be careful man.

Cleo: If you die, then I'll burn you.

(Y/n): I'll be careful.

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