Part III Chapter 2

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3rd Pov

They spotted two boars and two goblins and Frey is trying to talk to them.

Frey: Hello, goblin friends!

Goblin #1: Ach! Human!

Frey: Don't be afraid, we don't want to fight you.

Goblin #1: Ach, Lua Order...Save us!

Goblin #2: Tricks! Orc say, don't believe Human, ach! Crool...ebil? Anyway bad! Only 'He' save Goblins, ach!

Roi: Hmm...come to think of it, we still don't know who this 'He' person is that Himmulus and Balalaika mentioned. I wonder it's the same person...

Cleo: Well, I guess we need to beat up these dummies first. Right, Frey?

Frey: *Sighs*  ...I guess so.

The boars ran at Kasel. The boars pounces at him, only for him to swing his sword and hit them in midair. Roi charged at the goblins and disappeared then reappeared behind them and attack them. Cleo blasted her fire magic at the other goblin. 

Goblin #1: Ach! Help!

Frey: Calm down, we are not trying to hurt you. You attacked us first, and we only fought back.

Goblin #1: Ach! Orcs tricked us!

Frey: Thank you. If possible, could you tel me why you had attacked us?

Goblin #1: We Goblins exhiled from Kinggs Plains, ach. Do Orcs chores, get food. Now Orcs say kill Humans, or else they kill Goblins!

(Y/n): Those snakes!

Frey: Why did the orcs tell you to kill humans?

Goblin #1: Ack! Dunno!

Roi: Why were you exiled from the Kings Plains?

Goblin #1: Erk... Bodakka... Bodakka exile us! Ach! He say, no weak Goblin!

Roi: Weak goblins? With this kind of weaponry, Bodakka looks insignificant in comparison. 

Goblin #1: Weapons, 'He' gives us! He' free Goblins from Orc!

(Y/n): Who is 'He'?

Goblin #1: Sorry, ach... Can't say. We Residence?

Roi: Resistance?

Goblin #1: Yes Resistance! Anyway, secret, ach. Can't say. 

Roi: Well, that's it I guess. We'll try to figure out the rest some other way.

Frey: Thank you for telling us what you know.

Goblin #1: Ach... Other Goblins, still attack you. Sorry advance! Go easy, ach...

I turned and see a goblin riding a golem, and another goblin on a cannon.

Goblin: Yay, Golem works!!!

Goblin Firearm: Come!!

Goblen: Control Golem! 'He' Genius!!

Cleo grew disgusted.

Frey: Cleo, Cleo?

Roi: Well well, it seems she shocked to see goblins controlling goblins. They succeeded where she failed, after all.


(Y/n): You had to piss her off?

Goblin Firearm: Ach! Human!

Goblin: Ach! Spy us! Orcs make Human spy on us!

Frey: We aren't spies...

Roi: Not like they'll understand before we beat them up.

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