Part I Chapter 8

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(Y/n) Pov

         It's almost morning, and I've learned a lot from reading that journal. I've learned that the person who wrote this was named "Shulk". What I've learned is that the Monado can also help the teammates as well. The symbol on the Monado also mean some abilities, obviously, which can help me and my teammates during the battle. Shield can generate a barrier that protects my friends, so I can use that to protect Frey when she heals us. I can use Buster to support Kasel's sword and Roi's daggers, giving them a chance to throw a critical hit, and increase their fighting range. I can use Speed for my team to dodge enemies attack like bows, cannons, or close range attacks. Not only that, I can also use Enchant, so I can give Cleo's fire magic a little boost. I can also use Eater, which can strip away enemy buffs. The last attack which surprises me is the Cyclone, which is very overpowered. So for now, I'm gonna use it in case of an emergency. I also learned that those warning thing's that I'm have are called "Vision." So I need to tell my friends about what is going to happen, so they can be more cautious about it.

         After reading more about the Monado, I've been in the woods, shirtless, making up more fighting strategies with a fake wooden sword that I made, and learned some melee. After four hours of training, I went to a lake, washed my face, then put on my shirt, grabbed the Monado and my dual guns, and head back to the fire. I noticed Kasel was the first to wake up.

Kasel: Mmm... Hey man, how long have you been up?

(Y/n): After Clauses shift.

Kasel: Which was?

(Y/n): Six hours.

Before Kasel would scream, I quickly covered his mouth, points at everyone else sleeping, then removes my hand.

Kasel: Six hours?

(Y/n): Yeah...

Kasel: Are you tired?

(Y/n): Not really.

Kasel then gets up and sits next to me.

Kasel: What were you doing anyway?

(Y/n): Learning more about the Monado.

Kasel: Still onto that?

(Y/n): Yeah, I have been learning a lot of things about the Monado.

Kasel: Really? What kind of things?

(Y/n): That future prediction thing, it's called "Vision."

Kasel: Vision? I guess that makes sense.

(Y/n): Yeah, I also learned melee, close quarter combat, and more abilities as well.

Kasel: Awesome, which abilities? Are they new?

(Y/n): Yeah, by now you know Shield, Speed, and Buster, right?

Kasel nods.

 (Y/n): The new ones are Enchant, Eater, and Cyclone.

Kasel: Wait a moment, What is the difference between Buster and Enchant?

(Y/n): Enchant strengthens the weapons, while Buster can increase the melee weapons range.

Kasel: Nice. One more question, can it also affect us?

(Y/n): Yeah, it can.

Kasel: Awesome. With the Monado, we'll have no problem against those creatures.

(Y/n): Hey, don't rely on me. The Monado only activates these abliities for at least a couple of seconds, and they have to recharge for a while.

Kasel: Oh, I guess most things have drawbacks...

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