(Rebellion) Part X Chapter 1

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(Y/n) Pov

I keep driving through the woods, I can only see trees and a purple mist. 

(Y/n): God, it's too dark to see. Even with the headlights, I still can't see anything.

I sensed someone's energy, so I stop my motorcycle and head to the source of the energy. I see Chase on his knees. I ran to him, checking if he is alright.

(Y/n): Chase! Are you alright?!

Chase: I have... failed...

(Y/n): Failed? What do you mean?

Chase: I failed... Stopping him...

(Y/n): Who is "Him"?

Flashback,  3rd Pov

Chase found Clause and stopped him.

Chase: ...Clause!!!

As Clause heard his voice, he stopped dead in his tracks.

Clause: ...Chase.

Chase: Princess is waiting. She worries a lot. You must come back.

Clause fell in silent and clenched his fist in anger.

Chase: Demia also waits for you. Your grandfather too. 

Clause: ...I... must save...

Chase: Hmm?

Clause: ...I must save my brother and my sister. I need to get to them.

Chase: What are you...

He remembers Fallen Kasel and Fallen Frey.

Chase: What are you...

He then remembers Scarlet getting hurt.

Chase: ... They attacked the Princess. They attacked you. They attacked the soldiers... They are dangerous.

Clause: Yes... Everyone would think so. Everyone will try to stop them. The Princess, grandpa and all. But I can't turn my back on them.

Chase was surprised by this.

Clause: I'm sorry.

He walks away from Chase. Chase watched him walking away, only for Chase see all the same images flashing through his mind. He growled in anger and ran in front of Clause to stop him.

Chase: No. I can't let you go.

Clause pushed him aside.

Clause: ...Move aside, Chase.

Chase didn't stop, so he went in front of him again.

Chase: ...I stop you from walking into danger. I will not lose another!

He is starting to get more annoyed due to Chase's actions.

Clause: ...I... I don't have time to convince you right now.

He jumped only to slam his sword on the ground making  a huge shockwave, knocking him back. Chase dodged it at the last second.

Clause: If you would get in my way... 

He points his sword at Chase

Clause: ...Then so be it.

Flashback Ends, (Y/n) Pov

Chase looks down in defeat.

(Y/n): Hey, it's alright. You did as much as you can. You gave it your all.

Chase: But it's not good enough...

(Y/n): Chase, don't beat yourself up. 

Chase: ...

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