Part II Chapter 6

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(Y/n) Pov

I'm still running to the place where Selene and Naila is gonna get killed. I went behind a tree and hear what they are saying.

3rd Pov

Kasel runs  to Balalaika.

Kasel: Selene, Naila!

Selene: I seeing things...? There is no way the Knight would come..

Balalaika: Fufufu, the holy sword found its way here. Now, I can be 'His' favorite...!!

Roi: Himmullis mentioned someone called 'Him' earlier. Who the heck is that?

Frey: Perhaps it's Angmund, the Dark Lord...

Cleo: If it was Angmund, this place would've been ruined long ago. He wouldn't be all sneaky and behind the scenes about it.

Roi: You never, know. They might have just not needed to do so a century ago. Considering the Demons have weakened, they might have changed tactics.

Balalaika: You rude, foolish humans! How dare you chitchat in front of the Queen of Harpies, Balalaika?

Naila: You dirty...hag...Don't ever call yourself...a Harpy...

Balalaika: Huh? Still alive and chirping, are you? Why don't I trample that little beak of yours.

She flew up, only to stomp on Naila's back.

Naila: AAAAAH!!!

(Y/n) clenched his fist, and Erze is shocked.

Erze: How could she...?

(Y/n): Bastard...

Balalaika: Your Queen has business with those people over there. Shut up and be a nice girl for a bit. Oh, but I've squashed your mouth... Hahaha. Now, who is to hand me the holy sword?

Kasel: I will give this sword away in good time, but you are not the one, Balalaika!

Balalaika: Hahahaha, please, entertain me. Why don't we test this newfound power of mine?


The fight still continues, and Balalaika is getting the advantages, and everyone else is losing their breath and close to defeat.

Kasel: Damn, this isn't easy...

Roi: She's a pain...!

Before Balalaika would attack, a vine grew under her and entangled her.

Lorraine: Are you all okay?

Balalaika: You... Damn you, Lorraine!

Frey: Selene, Naila. Hang in there. I will heal you.

She released her healing magic to save Selene and Naila. As soon as they are healed. Selene and Naila stands up.

Selene: Thank you. I see it wasn't an illusion I saw... I didn't expect your help.

Cleo: Kasel originally planed to come here and resolve the situation, then go seal the sword. 

Selene: Do you really have to seal the holy sword?

Kasel: Let's talk about the sword later.

Selene: Wait, Where's (Y/n)?

Casandra:....He's...he's gone...

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