(Encroaching Darkness) Part IV Chapter 1

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(Y/n) Pov

As I wake up  and it is night time. I sat up and looked at my chest and see all the blood on my body is gone.

(Y/n): Did Erze get all the blood on my chest or something?

Erze: Yeah...

I looked over and see her sitting behind me as I got up.

Erze: Are you feeling better...?

(Y/n): Yeah, I am alright.

Erze: (Y/n)...

(Y/n): Hm...?

I looked at down and see scars on my body.

(Y/n):'Dammit, I never thought this would happen...'  Erze, I'm sorry...

I walked over to her and kneeled in front of her.

(Y/n): Look I-

She traced her fingers against the scars on my arm, then to my back. She sat up and moved her hands to my back, and slowly presses her body on me. I hugged back and feeling her sobbing quietly on my shoulder. I rubbed her back, trying to comfort her.

(Y/n): I-

Erze: Please... don't say... anything...

I hear her choked back by her tears, so I stayed silent as I kept rubbing her back and run my fingers through her scarlet hair. She moved her head down, and silently cries on my chest. We stayed in this position for at least five to seven minutes, until she pulls away.

(Y/n): I'm sorry for scaring you...

Erze: I-Its okay... 

(Y/n): If it makes you feel better, we can spend time with together alone if we have enough time.

She nods.

I sat next to her and stay by her side, in case if she needs a shoulder to cry on. I really need to be careful next time when using the Monado. Maybe Alvis might know the answer. I hope we meet again Alvis. We have been sitting here for quite some time until an idea comes to my head.

(Y/n): Hey Erze, let's go to my place and try to get yourself together okay?

She looks at me, then she stood up.

Erze: Are you sure? It is far from here.

(Y/n): Don't worry about it, I know where to go.

Erze: Okay then. 

(Y/n): Alright come on.

Erze: Wait, what about the others.

I pulled out a piece of paper, and wrote a note. After I wrote the note, I put it in Kasel's pocket.

Erze: Are you sure he's going to notice that?

(Y/n): Don't worry, he'll know. 

Erze: Okay.


We made it to Orvel and I could see people look at Erze. I noticed she is scared because of people looking at her. I looked at her then wrapped my arm around her waist, and pulled her closer.

(Y/n): It's okay. Just ignore them.

She nods and we headed to Cassandra's place. 

Cassandra: (Y/N)!!!

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