Part XI Chapter 3

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(Y/n) Pov

We arrived at Gargross after we escaped those Telethia. Egil hover Junks near the castle before he looked at us.

Egil: Hurry, before the Telethia will come back and strike.

Cleo: You heard him. 

(Y/n): Let's go, we have to hurry and get to Zanza.

We nodded and jump off Junks, but not before Egil grabbed my wrist and give me a quick glare.

Egil: Listen (Y/n), don't be like him, he controlled my friend, Arglas.

(Y/n): Don't worry, I won't be like him. I'll make sure to do this for not only you, but for all of those people who lost their lives to Zanza.

He smiles and walks back to the pilot seat as I jump off Junks and land near the group. We look at each other, but quickly look up and see another hoard of Telethia coming out of the castle.

Cleo: Oh no, more Telethia?!

Roi: It seems the Telethia is coming from the castle.

(Y/n): You're right, and that's just the wave. Another one will be happening if we don't do anything.

Alvis: Look over there. 

We changed our direction and see a hole near the castle. 

Chase: That must be the hole where Kasel blasted when he was turned into the Dark Lord. 

Roi: We can use that to go inside the castle.

(Y/n): Right, once we get through, there's no turning back. Are we ready?

Cleo: Not yet. We need to prepare.

Roi: What?! But we just-

(Y/n): It's fine, Orvel has the strongest defense. They can hold off the Telethia and we need some time to prepare ourselves for this final fight. 

Chase: I'll set up some fire.

(Y/n): We can rest here for now. You guys get prepare for this final fight. 

Cleo: Thanks Bestie.


I was looking at REX and I realized. I don't have the Monado anymore and I have lost Meyneth's Monado. Looks like this is going to be our toughest fight yet. I see Cleo and Roi sitting next to each other. I look back at the fire and remember all the times me and Kasel hanging out during my times as a knight. 

(Y/n): 'If only Kasel and Frey were here. We could've spend our last time together. Why though... If we defeated Zanza together, then we could've celebrated. All of us laughing and smiling...' 

Cleo: (Y/n)? Are you okay?

(Y/n): I-

Cleo: Don't say things are alright. We know you are lying. Throughout our entire adventure, you've always hide things from all of us.

Roi: Except-

Cleo: ALL OF US!!! 

Alvis: Hm?

Cleo: Please, we're all here for you.

(Y/n):  Sighs  I know they left, but...

Roi: Wait, who?

(Y/n): Kasel and Frey, they left us. Kasel wanted to pay for his crimes and Frey wanted to isolate herself from all of us. I don't understand, why? Why did the two just leave and forget everything? 

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