Part V Chapter 4

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(Y/n) Pov

(Y/n): 'Malduk nearly got killed because of my anger, and everyone was terrified of my rage. I have learned from my mistakes, and I'm not letting my anger get the best of me this time. This time, I'll fight, I'll fight without my anger. Otherwise I'll put myself into trouble. I'll use my Visions to help me, then I'll strike him the next we meet again. But Alvis... Something was on my mind when we met. What or who are you?'

Erze: (Y/n)?

I snapped back to reality and see both Cassandra and Erze are next to me, giving me concern looks.

Cassandra: What's wrong?

Erze: Are you thinking about something?

(Y/n): I-It's nothing...

Erze: Something is going on in your mind. 

As she said that, Cassandra and Erze walked in front of me. 

(Y/n): Look, I said it's nothing.

Cassandra: (Y/n), If you can't handle this 'thing', talk to us. We're here to help you.

(Y/n): I... Thanks.

Erze: You're welcome.

She gave me a kiss, then Cassandra gave me another kiss.

(Y/n): I love you both.

Erze & Cassandra: We love you too.

Kasel: Hey lovebirds. What's going on?

Cassandra: Nothing's wrong.

Erze: Come on (Y/n), let's go.

I nodded and we caught up to the group.

Roi: Just so you know, You guys look great together.

(Y/n): Thanks. I think Cleo likes you.

His face turned red.

Roi: R-Really?

I nodded.

Roi: Huh, didn't know. I'll keep an eye on that.


We walk to see a group of gnolls killing the elves. 

Dimael: Hah, serves them right. That's what happens when you get corrupted and fool around.

Kasel: The Dark Elves from before said the Gnolls were allied with the Demons..

Roi: We can't trust them word for word. Dimael, do you know anything about the Gnolls joining forces with the Demons?

Dimael: That's news to me.

Frey: I think... We should... Talk with the Gnolls.

Cleo: Frey, I think the word you're searching for is 'interrogate' not 'talk'.

I ran towards the gnoll and grabbed one of the arrows and stab the gnoll's arm and I slammed him on the ground, putting my knee on it's back. Two more jumped and try to attack me from behind, luckily my vision saved me. I grabbed my shotguns and began shooting them. I kept shooting them in midair until they're lifeless.

Frey: Grab it, Kasel!

Kasel: I got you!

I put my leg off it as the gnoll was tied up by Kasel.

Gnoll: Kyak!

(Y/n): Start talking pal, if you answer us honestly, we'll let you go and no harm will come to you.

Gnoll: Please, please, good master. I will speak nothing but the truth, don't hurt me.

Kasel: How did you Gnolls get powerful enough to rout the Dark Elves and take over?

Gnoll: Ah, ah, yes. That. A messenger of the Dark Lord came and gave us courage.

Cleo: A messenger?

Kasel: Don't lie, the Demon Lord hasn't even resurrected.

Gnoll: Ah. Then we probably misunderstood. It may have not been the Demon Lord, but anyway it was still a Demon that encouraged us, yes!

Roi: What did the Demon say?

Gnoll: The Demon said the Dark Elves were weaker and that we could beat them in numbers, and when we went and fought, the Dark Elves weren't being sneaky anymore.

Kasel: Sneaky?

Roi: *Sigh*  The Dark Elves were probably were probably just being strategic. The Gnolls probably consider anything beyond frontal combat sneaky and underhand. 

Gnoll: Anyways, we were thinking of conquering Arrovina by driving out the Dark Elves.

Cleo: What did the demon look like?

Gnoll: Ah, I haven't ever seen the Demon myself, I swear.

Kasel: I hope you aren't lying...

Gnoll: Please, good master. I wouldn't lie to you.

Roi: Well, that seems to be it.

(Y/n): Go, get out of here! 

Kasel: Don't ever cross paths with us again.

Gnoll: Please, good master. I wouldn't ever dare. It's just that the other Gnolls will probably still try to attack you. I hope you understand that's not my fault!

Roi: Understood.

Frey: Thank you for telling us the truth. Let's never meet again.

Gnoll: Yes, yes. I'll stay away, good masters. Th-Then... Bye.

It runs away.

Frey: Take care.

Roi: Typical Gnolls, weak to the strong and strong to the weak.

Kasel: I guess the Gnolls did side with the Demons, but it seems they haven't been given any powers. 

Dimael: This is all so ridiculous. I can't stop myself from laughing. El- Rosed, if she was trying to control people, she should learn how to do it right. Dark Elves, being pressured by simple, idiotic Gnolls. hehehehehehe.... Hahahahahaha!!! Ugh, my sides...

Frey: Dimael...

Roi: I don't get it. The Queen, El- Rosed, who we don't yet know if she is a Demon or not, is using the power of darkness, and the Gnolls are allied to the Demons. But the Gnolls are attacking the Dark Elves?

Kasel: I wonder if the Demon Army is having a falling out. After all, Maria said she didn't like Malduk back in Ogria.

Cleo: Maybe its like how it was in Ogria? Malduk trying to control King Temorel, while Maria controls the Gnoll.

Roi: Hmm... Dimael. Did Maria ask you anything personal?

Dimael: Before she told me about what King Temoral had done, she did ask me about my family.

Roi: I see. It's highly likely then that Malduk is allied with El- Rosed. In the meanwhile, Maria is trying to interfere with that. Forget about the Gnolls, but Dimael, you are also being manipulated by Maria.

Dimael: It doesn't matter. All I want is revenge.

(Y/n): 'His anger and hunger for revenge will be his downfall....'

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