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I woke up to Jack's phone alarm and I opened my eyes to an unfamiliar room. The events from the day before started to flood my mind as I remembered that we were in our hotel room.

I stared blackly at the ceiling, drowning in my own thoughts as the alarm continued to go off. Thinking about what will eventually happen to me or Jack, if I'll come into contact with Hayes soon, when we'll get to go back home...

The alarm cut off, interrupting my deep thinking.

"Gabby, are you ok?" Jack asked in a raspy voice and I looked over to see him with a little bit of a concerned look on his face.

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Are you ok?" He asked, drawing out his words a little longer like that would make it easier for me to comprehend them.

"Yeah.. I'm fine." I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Are you sure?" He slightly chuckled.

"Yeah, no. Im fine." I said as I got up and walked to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

"We have our first doctors appointment today. Are you excited?" Jack asked from the bed.

"Oh shit, I forgot," I rubbed my face "that's honestly been the last thing on my mind." I slightly chuckled.

"Really? I couldn't stop thinking about it." Jack said while laying back on the bed.


Jack and I decided to meet at the doctor's office since we were both coming from work, and as I pulled up, I already saw his car in the front of the building.

When I walked into the lobby, Jack was sitting down in a chair, anxiously tapping his foot and biting his nails. But as I approached him, he looked up at me and smiled,

"Hi Jack," I smiled as he held out his arms to embrace me in a hug "You're here early." I chuckled while hugging him tightly.

"I couldn't wait."

"how are you feeling?" I asked while looking down at him

"Nervous." His leg continued to bounce.

"Jack, relax," I said with a slight laugh "everything is going to be fine." I sat in the chair beside him and laid my head on his shoulder.

"What if stress did something to the baby or something?" He sighed while wrapping his hand around my thigh and leaning into me as well.

"You've been more stressed than me," I laughed, but he stayed silent, obviously genuinely concerned about the pregnancy.

"Look," I sat up and faced him "I can definitely say that we're not in a good situation right now and that this wasn't an ideal time for me to get pregnant, but I'm fine, Jack. I know for a fact that whatever happens, we're going to be ok. Ok?" He still had a concerned expression but he nodded his head

"Mr. and Mrs. Gilinsky?" Our attention turned to the nurse at the door.

"Are you ready?" I turned? to him and he nodded as he started to stand up.

He followed close behind me towards the nurse who was holding the door.

"Nervous soon-to-be father, huh?" She chuckled.

"You have no idea." I Replied with a laugh.


As we both exited the building, Jack seemed a lot less tense compared to when we walked in.

The doctor told us that the fetus was pretty healthy, but since I'm only ten weeks, I should try to create as much of a stress-free environment as possible.

No Escape | Book 2 of PossessiveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant