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A week later

Jack's POV

I looked at the clock as I impatiently tapped my foot, waiting for this long work day to be over.

I felt too anxious to stay in one spot, so I printed out a document from my computer and got up to get it from the printer room.

When I got there, I impatiently waited for my papers to print, but halfway through, the printer stopped because it was out of ink.

I let out a sigh in exasperation and looked around for a new ink cartridge.

"Hi Jack," I looked behind me to see Sadie with her laptop in her hand.

"Hi Sadie." I muttered while still searching for one.

"Is there something I can help you find?" She asked.

"Where are the ink cartridges for the printer? It says its out of ink."

"I can call someone up to take care of that so you don't have to." She offered.

"Ok, sounds good."

"But could you please do me a favor and print something for me? I have to leave in a few minutes and I need it for tomorrow morning."


"Ok, great. I'll email you a PDF copy and if you could just leave it on my desk, that would also be great."

"Got it." I nodded my head as I began to walk out of the room.

"Oh, and Jack?" She called after me, and I let out a small sigh before turning around


"I just wanted to say that I thought about what you said and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have overstepped and I will be a lot more mature from now on. I'm so sorry about the behavior I displayed, because it really just doesn't represent me as a person."

"Thank you for that, Sadie," Half of me thought it was bullshit, but the other half thought that this may be genuine "I just truly hope that this won't affect our business relationship or anything else in our personal lives anymore." She nodded her head before I walked back to my desk and waited for the printer to get fixed.

Gabby's POV

As I stepped out of my shower, the cool, yet humid air felt so nice against my skin since the shower water was so hot.

I dried myself off and put lotion on before taking my hair out of the bun it was in and stepping into my room.

As I tossed my dirty clothes onto the bed and picked out a white tank top, I noticed a faint noise coming from downstairs. It sounded like the TV in the living room. I must not have turned it off completely or something.

I threw on some shorts and socks, then headed downstairs to the living room.

When I got down there, a James Bond movie was playing so I searched for the remote in the couch and when I found it, I turned the TV off.

"Hey I was watching that." I jumped at the sound of Hayes' voice and looked back to see him walking from the bathroom, into the kitchen.

"I thought I would wait until you were out of the shower."

I stayed silent, still stunned that he was here. The last time I saw him kind of phased me and I haven't fully dealt with it.

"Wow, no witty remark or response?" He raised his eyebrows at me as he continued to strut my way "Nothing about how that was 'the bare minimum' or even an eye roll?"

No Escape | Book 2 of PossessiveWhere stories live. Discover now