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June 27th
Hayes' release day

"Jack," I felt Gabby lightly nudge my shoulder as I slept on my side "Jack." She didn't hesitate to do it again.

"Hm?" I groaned.

"Can we leave now?" She whispered, so I picked up my phone from my nightstand to see that it was 4 AM.

"Gabby, it's 4:00 in the morning. No." My voice was hoarse from the deep sleep I was in.

"I can drive. I'm wide awake." She responded softly.

"Baby, no. Just go back to sleep and we can leave a little later. I promise we're leaving. Just not right now." I turned back on my side so my back was facing her again, and I felt her side of the bed move as she got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom.

Sadie ended up telling me that I absolutely had to be at work on the 26th but that I could have the 27th off, and Gabby wasn't happy about that at all. I told her I could buy her a plane ticket to my parents' house, but she didn't want me traveling alone

She's been itching to leave for the past couple of days, probably counting down the seconds until we get to leave.

Gabby's POV

I got up from Jack and I's bed, still restless and anxious to leave town as Jack dozed back off to sleep.

I walked into our bathroom and stripped down after I turned our shower on.

I stood under the warm water, closing my eyes and wetting my hair, trying my best to just relax.

My body, specifically my boobs, felt so sore and tender since I'm 8 weeks pregnant now. My morning sickness has been so bad and the last thing I actually want to do is travel, but if it means we get to stay away from Hayes longer, I don't care.

I also have a small baby bump which is making this pregnancy feel more realistic than if felt a few weeks ago.

I washed myself using my loofa, and when I was done, I turned the shower off and dried myself off.

I wrapped my towel around my body and stepped out of the shower

I ended up putting curly products in my hair then took the time to diffuse it, and by the time I was done, the sun started to rise.

I walked back into our room with my towel wrapped around my body and grabbed one of Jack's shirts from his dresser along with a pair of panties

I picked my phone up from my nightstand and the time read "5:30."

Jack wanted to leave around 8:00 and all I wanted to do was leave now, especially since we originally planned to already be in Omaha with his parents.

I slipped on a pair of shorts and decided to bring our bags and shit out to the car.

It took me a while to take all of our stuff out, but at least I killed some time and got that step over with.

When I arrived back upstairs, winded, Jack was still asleep in the same spot, so I walked to his side of the bed and climbed on top of him, sitting on his lap.

"Jack," He started to stir awake as I whispered his name "Jack." I repeated.

"Hmm?" He groaned as he stretched while his eyes fluttered open.

"It's time to go."

"My alarm didn't go off yet." He said in his raspy, sleepy voice.

"I know, but we could get a head start on the trip." I leaned down and kissed his soft lips as his eyelids started to fall again.

"I can drive, and you can continue to sleep."

"Babe, what time is it?" He asked, ignoring what I just said.

"About.. six." I hesitated to tell the truth.

"At least wake me up at 7." Jack yawned before closing his eyes again, causing me to roll my eyes and climb off of him.


I impatiently waited for 8:00, and even then, Jack took his sweet time to get up and get ready.

I sat by the door for nearly 20 minutes as Jack ate his cereal.

"Babe, come eat." He said with a mouth full of Cheerios while looking at his phone.

"I'm good." I crossed my arms and sat back.

"You gotta eat three meals a day." He reminded me.

"I know, Jack." I mumbled

"I'm just saying... I could make you some eggs or toast, or—"

"Jack, I just want to leave. I don't have an appetite right now. I have no idea what time he's getting out and I just want to go." You could hear the annoyance in my voice.

"Ok," he started to get up "I'll get our stuff so we can put everything in the car, then we can—"

"I already packed up the Jeep." I cut him off.

"You carried all that stuff?" He asked while looking up at me.


"Babe, I didn't want you to do all of that heavy lifting, you could have hurt yourself." I slightly rolled my eyes.

"It's not like I haven't done it before." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, duh, but you weren't pregnant then."

"I'm eight weeks, Jack. I'm literally fine."

"Ok, but you can never be too cautious. Just.. let me know when there's any heavy lifting."

I stayed silent as He cleaned out his bowl and set it down in the sink.

"You can grab the keys and start the car and everything. I'll be out there soon." He said as he checked his phone.

With that, I let out a sigh and got up from the couch. I grabbed the keys from the little table by our front door and headed out, leaving Jack in the house.


I was woken up by the bright sun shinning in my face and opened my eyes to see an open road surrounded by the desert.

I noticed Jack's hand on my inner thigh and looked over to see him with his left hand on the wheel as he intently drove.

I couldn't help but to yawn, since I spent the night before as an anxious wreck, panicking about any and everything that could go wrong.

He seemed to be snapped out of his thoughts causing him to look over at me and give me a warm smile before his eyes met the road again.

"Hey sleeping beauty." He slightly chuckled and I couldn't help but to blush.

"How long was I out for?" I asked him.

"Well, we're in Sevier, Utah, so like..... seven hours."

"You're lying, I was not asleep for that long." I was shocked.

He pointed at the digital clock on the small screen in his Jeep and slightly chuckled.

"It's not like you got much sleep last night. You kept waking me up, asking me to get up so we could leave. You also got up real early, I don't even think you went to sleep." He did have a point. I was too worried to sleep at all.

"Well, do you want me to drive? You've been going for a long time now."

"No, it's all good," he caressed my thigh "just enjoy the ride for now."

As we rode a little more, taking in the scenery, I felt my phone buzz a few times in my pocket so I took it out to see who texted me.

Hey baby, it's Hayes- Unknown

I'm here- Unknown

Open the door. I haven't seen you in so long- Unknown

No Escape | Book 2 of Possessiveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن