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Jack and I were sitting in front of Mackenzie's parents' house.

"Are you sure you're ready?" Jack asked while caressing my hand with his thumb.

I let out a sigh and looked over at him.

"Jack, I can't do this," Tears immediately started to fall down my face and he rubbed my back.

He tried pulling me into a hug but it felt awkward since we were sitting in the car, so he got out and walked around the front to the passenger's side.

He opened up the door and wrapped his arms around me, embracing me into a hug.

I turned my body so he was standing in between my legs then wrapped my arms around his torso and continued to just sob into his shirt.

I was a mess, thinking about what happened to her. The way Hayes stole my best friends from me, a daughter from her two parents, and such a great human being from the world.

After about fifteen minutes of Jack cooing sweet, reassuring words into my ear and hugging me, I released from the hug with red, puffy eyes.

I looked at him to see a big wet spot on the shoulder of his button-down.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ruin your shirt." I could feel myself beginning to cry again.

"Baby, don't apologize," He pulled me back into him "you did nothing wrong." He kissed the top of my head.

"Jack, she was murdered and barley anyone in that house even knows." I stammered.

"I know, babe. I know." He held my hand.

"We don't have to go in there if you don't want to. We can stay here or go home, and I know her parents would understand whatever you choose to to."

"Jack, I can't miss it." I said as he wiped my eyes and cheeks.

"Says who? Mackenzie would not want you doing anything that would make you feel uncomfortable or that would push you out of your comfort zone." I thought back to the countless times she made me face my problems and Hayes despite me knowing it wasnt a good idea.

"It just feels.. scan to miss it." I wrapped my arms around him.

"How about this," he wrapped his arms around me again "We can go in and stay, but as long as you promise to let me know when you start to feel uncomfortable or that you will step out or let me know you want to leave the second you feel like it's getting to be too much."

I just looked up at him and nodded my head in response.


Jack and I were sitting at the dining room table along with Mackenzie's other friends and family when I overheard her cousin speak about what she's done to help with suicide awareness.

She showed us her semicolon tattoo and I felt Jack's hand on my knee.

My eyes started to well up with tears and I looked over at Jack because I didn't know what else to do. To everyone else, this was a celebration for the life she lived, but to me it was a cold reminder of what I knew actually happened.

Jack leaned down to my ear "Do you need to excuse yourself?" He said quiet enough so that no one else could hear me. I nodded my head in response and started to stand up.

"Excuse me for a second. I just need to.. excuse myself." I said quietly while leaving the table. No one really paid me any mind, and her cousin continued talking.

I walked to the hallway where the bathroom was as I tried to calm myself down, taking in deep breaths and looking up to the ceiling to help the tears that threatened to leave my eyes go away.

No Escape | Book 2 of PossessiveWhere stories live. Discover now