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One Week Later

Jack and I got to spend a nice, relaxing week in Chicago. Spending limited time on our phones and just enjoying each other's company as well as exploring the city.

We're currently on our way back home from Chicago and we're almost back in Los Angeles County.

We would have definitely stayed away forever but we both had to get back to work eventually because we only have so many vacation days.

I closed my eyes and rested my head on the window as I tried to focus on my breathing to stop myself from throwing up. I'm 10 weeks pregnant now and my morning sickness has turned into constant nausea, especially if I think too hard about our current situation.

"Are you doing ok, babe?" Jack asked as he caressed my thigh, taking me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Can you just slow down a little?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest and closed my eyes.

Jack let out a sigh "We'll be home soon." He lightly squeezed my thigh.

"That's not helping." I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, baby," he chuckled "what can I do to help?"

"Can you turn on the air?" I asked as my stomach grumbled.


As we pulled into the driveway, I was able to see the plastic-covered windows on our house. Both the first and second story windows were all covered, leaving our house looking a complete mess.

"While we're in there, we're just going to grab what we need. Like work clothes, more changes of casual clothes, medicine, whatever else you need. Ok? Just in and out." Jack said then opened his door to head into the house, so I followed his lead.

He cautiously walked in front of me as we both approached the front door. He unlocked the door with his key and slowly opened it, earning a creaking noise coming from the hinges

As we walked into the foyer, I noticed that the plastic on the windows acted as blackout curtains, blocking any light from the outside trying to enter the house.

"Hello?" Jack called into the house, and we waited for a response like we were expecting someone to be there.

He hesitantly started walking into the house and I turned on the light as I closed the door.

The floor was littered with broken glass and the walls were bare from being stripped of it's picture frames.

As Jack walked further into the living room, the glass crunched beneath his feet.

There were ripped up pictures as well as picture frames that were untouched, and I noticed that all of the in-tact frames all had pictures that excluded Jack.

He slowly knelt down and picked up a piece of a ripped up picture from the ground and just observed it without a word for a second. I couldn't tell what the picture was of, but I had a feeling it contained him.

"Didn't he do something like this last time we came back from a trip and he was out of jail?" Jack asked with his eyes still locked on the picture.

"Yep." I sighed while cautiously stepping further into the house, trying my best not to step on the glass "ok, let's just get our stuff and leave." I walked up next to him.

He nodded his head as he dropped his hands down to his side "what the fuck are we doing?" Jack mumbled.

"Getting our clothes. Now let's hurry up and leave before we get caught up—"

"No, I mean what the hell are we supposed to do?" He cut me off "we have a baby on the way, he knows where we live, he keeps finding your phone number and always knows where the fuck we are. What are we supposed to do?"  His shoulders slumped and he looked exhausted.

"I'm not sure what we're going to do, but we'll figure it out. We can stay with either of my parents for a while, we can look at houses, report him for violating the order of protection. It won't do much but it's something." I shrugged.

He stayed silent and looked down at the picture again and I noticed that it was a defaced picture of him with the eyes crossed out and all. It sounded like corny horror movie stuff, but chilling once you remember the reality of our situation.

"We will be ok, but let's just get our shit and go. I really don't want to stay here too long." I gave him a weak smile and he nodded.

He cautiously led the way upstairs, turning on every light and avoiding the glass scattered accross the floor.

I noticed him hesitate before he slowly and cautiously started up the stairs.

It felt like it took us forever to climb the stairs, but when we made it, we turned on the lights and went into our bedroom.

My nerves were all over the place as I stuffed casual clothes in a bag and tried to carefully fold some of my business casual clothes for work.

As I went through the drawers in my dresser, and got to my underwear drawer, I noticed that a majority of my lace panties were gone.

I set my bag down and searched through the drawer, desperate to find them because the last thing that I want him to have is my underwear.

"What are you doing?" I looked back to see Jack looking me with furrowed eyebrows.

"He stole my fucking underwear."

He let out a sigh in exasperation and ran his fingers through his hair, slightly tugging on it.

"Let's just go." He slung his bag over his shoulder

"But we're not done—"

"I can come back tomorrow and get whatever we need." He said as he began walking towards the door.

I let out a sigh as I picked up my bag from the ground as well as my work clothes, and followed him out of the room.

I've never felt so homesick, yet dreaded to be home.


Sorry for the short and kind of shitty chapter, this one is kind of a filler, I promise the next one will be better!!! :))

No Escape | Book 2 of PossessiveWhere stories live. Discover now