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Jack's POV

"Hey, have you emailed our clients back?" Mark asked as he approached me while I sat at my computer.

"Uhh, no I'll get to it later though." I didn't even bother to look up at him.

"Jack, we really have to work on this—"

"I know but it's really important that I just..." I paused for a second, trying to give out a minimal amount of information "Gabby is getting out from the hospital today and... I just need to do this for The safety of my family."

"What happened?" He asked while sitting down next to me.

"Gabby has always had a crazy ass ex who has just never left us alone. We thought that he wouldn't be around to bother us anymore, but he still is and we just.. Need a place to stay far away from here for a while." I explained to him.

"Has he been bothering you guys the entire time you guys have been married?" He asked.

"No, he was in jail for like eight years and just got out a few months ago, but before we even got married or started dating, he's been a pest. He's just... Fucking crazy." I shook my head before I focussed back in on my computer screen."

There was a moment of silence before Mark broke it again.

"Wow, that's.. That's a lot. I'm sorry that happened," he licked his lips "I... I want to help you guys."

"Help us? Thank you, but that would be a lot to ask of you, and I just don't have the energy or means to loan money from anyone after this year," I chuckled "We'll figure something out."

"I'm not gonna loan you guys money," He shook his head "My parents have a house down in Miami that they haven't stayed at in a while, and I'm sure you two and your son could use it until you're good again. I'm 100% sure they'd be more than happy to help. My sister went through something similar and I know my parents would want nothing more but to help." I looked over at Mark who was chewing the inside of his cheek as he looked away.

I turned to face him "Thank you so much for the offer, and I'm sorry to hear that. I— We would both appreciate that so much." I gave him a weak smile.

"Great. I'll call them and get everything sorted out for you guys. They live in Arizona, so the only problem is that you'd have to get the key to their house from them." He said while standing up and looking through the contacts on his phone.

"That is.. The least of our concerns. Thank you, Mark." I said and he nodded his head.

"Also, congratulations to you and Gabby. I think you guys will be great parents." He gave me a warm smile before heading out of the office and holding the phone up to his ear.


I let out a sigh as I locked up the house for the last time.

I grabbed Gabby's clothes, toiletries, and other personal items, along with mine. I got all of the toys, clothes, and formula that we have so far for Andrew and packed it into the car.

I had to clear out some space in the garage to park Gabby's car since I wasn't sure how long we'd be gone.

I unplugged all of the lamps, TV's, the router, and anything that would take up and excessive amount of power.

It felt upsetting to leave our home and not know when it would be safe to come back, but it brought me peace to know that we would be in a better, safer environment soon.

Mark's parents were more than happy to help Gabby and I and said that we could even stay with them if need be.

Mark didn't get into all of the nitty, gritty details of his sister's situation but later on explained to me that she was almost murdered by her ex-boyfriend. I guess that's why he was so quick to help us out.

No Escape | Book 2 of PossessiveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang