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Sadie's POV

"Mark, I need you to call him again." I rubbed my temples.

"I'm telling you, Sadie. I have already tried to get in touch with him. He's not answering his phone or anything. Maybe he just.. Overslept. He has a newborn, ya know?" Mark said, obviously annoyed.

"I don't fucking care. I need you guys to finish this project as soon as possible. There is no valid reason for Jack to be—"

"Uhh, Sadie, can you come down to the lobby?" I was interrupted by Ryan walking up to both Mark and I in the collaborative space.

"Just a second. We need to figure out where Jack is." I said before I turned back to Mark.

"No, you need to come down to see this now. I'm pretty sure it has to do with where Jack is anyways."

I let out a sigh before walking to the door. I turned back to Mark "We are not done with this conversation."

I walked with Ryan down to the lobby.

"What's going on? It can't be that important." I asked.

"It's some guy asking for Jack Gilinsky," I could hear a loud voice from the hallway causing me to furrow my eyebrows. "He won't leave and is starting to cause a scene." He said as he opened the door to the lobby.

There was a familiar man at the receptionist's desk, almost yelling at her. He was leaned over the desk, smashing his finger into it right in front of her, obviously demanding something.

"Excuse me?" I raised my voice at him.

He turned to look at me and his eyebrows furrowed. I could tell that something clicked in both of our minds. I recognized him from Jack's house. The guy that his wife obviously had an affair with.

"Is there a problem, sir?" I asked as I approached him.

"Where is Jack Gilinsky? I know he's here." He scowled at me.

Behind him, I noticed security finally making their way into the lobby.

"I couldn't tell you even if I wanted," I crossed my arms over my chest. I could tell that he was about to let me have it like the poor receptionist, but I cut him off before he could get any words out "But, I am looking for him as well. So, before security drags you away and you get banned from the premises, how about we talk about this in my office?"

He sucked on his teeth before exhaling deeply and nodding his head "Fine." He shrugged.

I led him back to my office because I have a feeling he can help me get into contact with Jack.

I sat down at my desk and he sat down in the chair in front of it. He seemed anxious and eager to find him, tapping his foot. Strange.

"This isn't the first time we've met before, is it?" I asked him and he shook his head while chewing on the inside of his cheek.

I put my hand out for him to shake it "I'm Sadie—"

"I know who you are already." He scowled at me.

"Yes, I'm the obsessive, home wrecking bitch, right?" I sat back in my chair.

"I guess so." He shrugged, his foot was still tapping.

"And what does that make you?" I asked him.

"The guy who's actually right for Gabby." I couldn't help but to chuckle to myself. He didn't seem amused.

"SO this is what this is about?" I was amused by this entire situation "Did you come here to fight him over her or something?"

He looked down at his lap before chuckling to himself "Something like that."

No Escape | Book 2 of PossessiveWhere stories live. Discover now