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I entered the front door of Jack and I's house with our mail in-hand, and kicked off my uncomfortable heels.

Jack and I have been married for about five years now, and are still trying to recover from what happened almost eight years ago.

After everything with Hayes happened, we vowed that we wouldn't let it define us, so we both got back on track, pursuing our educational goals and ended up getting really good jobs that suit the both of us well.

I ended up finishing college and law school, then got my degree in law. I can proudly say that I am now an attorney for a private firm.

While I was with Hayes I was in college, but I wasn't very devoted to my own school work because I had to be so invested in our relationship. There also came the kidnapping incident, but I still made it through.

Jack ended up taking a different route and finished school, majoring in business, then becoming a consultant.

"Did my package come yet?" He asked from the couch.

"Not yet, Jack. Just... bills and junk mail," I said as I flipped through the envelopes until I came across one with a handwritten address and name.

"Hayes Grier.. Los Angeles County Sheriff's office." I mumbled.

I get one of these every once in a while, so I'm not surprised. I just don't read them because I don't think anything he has to say is important or even worth paying attention to.

I observed the envelope again as I just thought about that day in court. I'll never forget the look he gave me before they hauled him off to prison.

"What are ya looking at?" Jack wrapped his hands around my body, causing me to slightly jump.

"Sorry," he chuckled "I didn't mean to scare y—" he was cut off by the sight of the letter.

"Oh," He sounded annoyed "It's been years, I would have thought he'd give up by now."

I turned around so I was facing him and rested my arms on his shoulders "He's fucking crazy. You know he wouldn't." I slightly laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

"Hey, why don't we go out for dinner tonight," he suggested "We can get dressed up and go to some fancy restaurant, then make fun of the people we see because we envy their class status, then come back here and get wine drunk." He had a huge smile on his face and I couldn't help but laugh. I still can't believe how much I love him. I truly believe that we were made for eachother.

"I thought you were cooking tonight?" I asked

"I've decided I'm taking you out on a date. So," he pulled away from me "I will see you back down here in about an hour. Wear something fancy." He said while walking out of the kitchen.

"Jack, we share a room. I have to meet you up there anyways." I laughed "I know, but let's just act like it's the old days where we didn't actually live together so this is how conversations went." He called as he walked to the stairs.


I was leaning against the kitchen counter with a black satin mini dress on along with a pair of black stilettos as I waited for Jack to come down. I swear, he always spends more time than me getting ready.

"Wow," I heard Jack's voice from across the kitchen and looked up to see him in a nice suit, walking to me "How did I become the luckiest man in the world?"

I blushed as he wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck.

I couldn't stop myself from blushing.

"A whole suit?" I asked "Yes, I decided I really wanted to go out for this date." He adjusted his collar.

I playfully rolled my eyes at him.

"Ok," he grabbed the keys from the drawer "Are you ready?" He asked and I nodded my head.


"You cannot tell me the waiters' uniforms didn't look uncomfortable as hell." Jack laughed as he walked through the front door with me.

"I didn't say they weren't. I just said you're mean as hell." I laughed with him as I set my handbag down on the couch.

"And now, onto the liquor," He looked over at me "What would you like to drink?" He asked while taking off his jacket, leaving him in his button-up and dress pants.

"Jack, we both have to work tomorrow." I laughed "Ok, and? We don't have to get drunk, but let's loosen up."

"Just bring me whatever you're having." I said while taking my heels off of my sore feet.

He headed downstairs and I went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

As I was grabbing a cup from the cabinet, there sat the envelope which contained Hayes' letter to me.

I set down my glass and picked up the letter.

It felt like it had more than one piece of paper in it, so I felt around a little bit.

I heard Jack coming back up the basement stairs so I set the envelope down and let out a sigh

The last thing I need is to think about was Hayes.

No Escape | Book 2 of PossessiveWhere stories live. Discover now