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Gabby's POV

We pulled into the driveway of Mark's parents' house at about 5AM, and I was so relieved to have finally made it to our destination. Jack was knocked out the entirety of my shift driving and Drew remained quiet as well, occasionally waking up, especially whenever we stopped so I could feed him.

I parked in their driveway and slightly shook Jack so he would wake up. He let out a groan before he opened his eyes and looked around.

"Are we here?" He asked in a raspy voice.

"Yep. This is it." I said as I unbuckled my seatbelt and began to get out of the car.

Jack slowly and groggily did the same thing.

Before I shut the car door, I turned back around to say something before he shut his door.

"And could you grab him and his carseat please?" I asked. He nodded his head before rubbing his face with the palms of his hands and shutting the door.

I grabbed both of our backpacks with our clothes and toiletries in it while he grabbed Drew's big ass baby bag and him in his carseat.

As we walked up the pathway to their front door, I began to feel bad for having to wake them up.

"Are you sure we should wake them up?" I looked back at Jack who could barley keep his eyes open as he had Drew and his carseat in one hand and his baby bag in the other.

"Yeah, Mark said he talked to them and it's fine." He nodded.

I rang the doorbell and waited for them to answer. It took a minute, but an older woman answered the door in her pajamas, greeting us with a warm smile.

"Good morning, you two must be Jack and Gabby?" She said in a happy tone, despite how early it was.

"Yes, it's so nice to meet you. I'm so sorry that we got here so early—"

"Please, don't apologize, it's no big deal at all," She shook her head "But please come in, I dont want you guys standing out there." She moved aside and motioned for us to come into the house before closing the door behind us.

As she shut the door, Drew began to make cooing noises. I could tell that it caught Jack off guard because he had comparatively barley gotten to see Drew, and it also caught Mark's mom off guard. She looked down at the carseat and back up at me.

"And this is your little baby?" She pointed to the carseat.

"Yeah, I promise he doesn't cry a lot or anything."

"I'm not worried about that at all," She swatted her hand "It's so nice to have little ones around, especially since we don't have any grandkids. If you have a friend for my son, it would be lovely if you could introduce them by the way." She joked and we all laughed.

"But, I won't keep you two up any longer. I know you've had a long day already." She said as she showed us back to the guest room.

We thanked her again and she told us that she would be making breakfast later in the morning if we're awake by then.

We got settled in, setting our bags and Drew down.

Jack was quick to lay down onto of the covers.

"Can you please take the SD card out of your phone now?" I asked him.

"If yours is still in your phone then the last location you'll be seen at is here anyways." He groaned.

"I turned my phone on airplane mode as soon as I could find my way here without the GPS. Please just do it." He let out a groan before sitting up and grabbing his phone from his back pocket.

No Escape | Book 2 of PossessiveWhere stories live. Discover now