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Jack was quick to start packing his things after I told him what happened with Hayes.

I sat on the corner of the bed, holding Drew as he walked around the bedroom and bathroom at a fast pace while he gathered all of his stuff.

"And he had a fucking gun?" He asked in a loud tone.

"Keep your voice down. They don't need to know." I said to him.

"I just can't believe I didnt kill him... He should have at least been paralyzed or something," he said as he aggressively shoved a sweatshirt into his backpack "I thought I watched him die. He stopped breathing.. Gabby, he was bleeding out. I watched him." He grew more and more frustrated as he explained what went down.

"Well, he's alive so it's time to figure out what to do about that."

"Well, first off, we need to get new phones. They can be iPhones or burner phones. I don't care."

"I think it's a good time to call the police again," I suggested "I know that we were scared he would get pissed off if he knew that we called them on him, but there is an outstanding amount of evidence that can put him in jail immediately, instead of having to wait for him to commit a second offense."

"I like that idea." He nodded his head.

"It sounded like Hayes was in a rush to find us so I don't know if he's still in LA or if he made it to another county or what." I sighed.

Jack also let out a sigh before going into the bathroom to pack up his personal hygiene stuff.

I picked up my phone and googled the Los Angeles County Sheriff's office. After a few rings, a man picked up.

"This is the Los Angeles County Sheriff's office, how may I help you?" He said clearly into the phone.

"Hi, I would like to report the violation of an order of protection. I believe that my family's well-being or lives are in danger."

"Ok, would you like to come down to the station to continue filing this report?"

"No, I am out of town so I'm unable to."

"Ok, I need proof of the order of protection and a–"

"I know, I can get those documents faxed to you. This is very immediate though and I have reason to believe that he is going to leave California within the next 24 hours."

"Ok, what is the violator's name, ma'am?"

"Hayes Grier. H-A-Y-E-S G-R-I-E-R." I spelled out to him.

"When we receive those faxed documents and confirm his identification and address, we will go ahead and send a car over to his house." He said calmly. I picked up my phone and began to look for messages or screenshots or somethin, but was beginning to realize that most of the evidence had no trace back to him.

"Ok, I just need to confirm some information. Do you know his date of birth?"

"Yes. June 8th, 1994."

"Uhh.. It says here that his date of death is August 2nd, 2022. What has brought you to believe that he's putting your life and your family members' lives in danger?" He asked.

"He's not dead. He's been harrassing me for months– years."

"Ok, but what is the evidence that you have? We have on record that he was murdered.. What? Five months ago?"

"Something must be wrong. He's been texting and calling me non-stop, he's threatened me and my family."

"Ok, send over the evidence and we will take a look. As far as I'm concerned, there is no cause for urgency because he is deceased."

No Escape | Book 2 of PossessiveWhere stories live. Discover now